- Babcock, Kate Programme Administrator (BMBS)
- Babiker, Taz Honorary Lecturer
- Bachmaier, Laura Doctoral Teaching Assistant
- Back, Geffrey Technician
- Bacon, Alison Associate Professor
- Badman, Michelle HR Operations and Systems Specialist
- Badman-Richards, Lawrence Lecturer in Social Work
- Baer, Cara Doctoral Teaching Assistant
- Bagchi, Suparna
- Baggs, Soozi Lecturer in Criminology
- Bahreini, Shadab
- Bai, Yuliang GAE Visiting Researcher
- Bailey, Ian Professor of Environmental Politics
- Bailey, Jo Amy Lecturer in Advanced Clinical Practice
- Bailey, Miranda Programme Administrator
- Bailey, Robin Digital Education Product Manager
- Bailey, Spencer Senior Technician - Metals
- Bailey Ross, Matt Lecturer in Environmental and Engineering Geology
- Bainbridge, Daniel Developer
- Baines, Annabel Honorary University Fellow
- Bains, Stacey Faculty Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Project Officer
- Baker, Amy Senior Research Fellow in Medical Statistics
- Baker, Carole Lecturer in Photography
- Baker, Garren Film Production Manager
- Baker, Hellen Senior Research Administrator
- Baker, Kathy Honorary Lecturer in MSc in Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Biology
- Baker, Louise Student Counsellor
- Baker, Matt Student Recruitment Outreach Marketing and Communications Officer
- Baker, Sarah Lecturer in Dietetic Practice
- Baker, Teresa Lead RPA Transformation Facilitator
- Baker, Zoe Programme Administrator
- Balch, Christopher Emeritus Professor
- Baldrey, Sarah Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Clinical Psychology
- Baldwin, Sam Evaluation Officer
- Ball, Abbie Senior Information Advisor
- Ball, Cara Clinical Facilitator/Supervisor (Dentist)
- Ball, Tracey Programme Administrator
- Balsdon, Julia Quality Assurance Officer
- Balthasar, Uwe Lecturer in Palaeontology
- Bamsey, Vicky Associate Professor in Education
- Bandoli, Francesca
- Banks, Andrew Senior Technician (SCB Design)
- Bannerman, Wendy External Examiner
- Banton, Matt Lecturer in Bioinformatics
- Baptista, Julia Honorary University Fellow
- Barclay, Anthony Technician (Art)
- Bardsley, Garth Lecturer in Musical Theatre
- Barenskie, Debra Assistant Administrator
- Barham, Ffion Honorary Lecturer
- Barker, Ellie Admissions and Enquiries Officer
- Barker, Val Commercial Funding Officer
- Barnes, Becky Quality and Faculty Registry Administrator
- Barnes, Sarah Business Analyst
- Barnett, Anton Research Assistant in Medical Statistics
- Barnett, Mandi Events Senior Administrator
- Barr, Alice Admissions Officer
- Barratt, Cally
- Barraud, Florence
- Barrett, Aaron Technical Specialist - Marine Autonomy and Clean Maritime Systems
- Barrett, Emily KE Specialist - R,D&I Business Engagement (Immersive)
- Barrett, Helen Research Assistant
- Barrett, Robyn
- Barron, Heidi
- Barros, Claudia Associate Professor of Neuroscience (Research)
- Barry, Jacklyn Lecturer in Primary Education
- Bartlam, Roisin Honorary Research Fellow
- Bartle, James
- Bartlett, Christopher Model Patient
- Barwell, Emma Student Services Hub Advisor
- Bass, Sarah Lecturer in Marine Physical Science
- Bass, Tina External Examiner
- Bassett, Laura Finance Business Partner
- Baston, Tom Diving Instructor
- Bates, James Technician
- Bates, Phil Associate Professor of Law (Education)
- Battcock, Luke Assistant Administrator
- Bauer, Franz
- Bault, Nadège Lecturer in Psychology (Behavioural or Cognitive Neuroscience)
- Baxter, Rory Digital Health Research Fellow
- Bayley, Jon Content Marketing Officer
- Bazazian, Dena Lecturer in Robotics and Machine Vision
- Beaman, Ali
- Beaney, Katherine PenCTU Trial Manager
- Beard, Dylan Teaching and Support Assistant
- Beards, Tracy Technician
- Beare, Bill Clinical Lead Derriford Dental Education Facility
- Bearn, David External Examiner
- Beaulieu, Karen Associate Lecturer
- Beaumont, Alex
- Beaumont, Kizzy
- Beckett, Nick Faculty Technical Manager
- Beckett, Sharon Lecturer in Criminology (Education)
- Beer, Jonny Optical Technician
- Beer, Oliver Associate Professor of Social Work
- Beirne, Raymond External Examiner
- Bell, Louise Associate Lecturer
- Bellamy-Hillyer, Camille Clinical Skills Tutor
- Bellinger, Avril Honorary Associate Professor in Social Work
- Belt, Simon Emeritus Professor
- Beltechi, Alina Lecturer in Pharmacology (Education)
- Belton, Alex Head of School and substantive Professor of Mathematics
- Belwal, Shweta Lecturer in Human Resource Management
- Benattayallah, Malek Honorary University Fellow
- Bennett, Adrian Honorary Clinical Lecturer
- Bennett, Amy Environment Manager
- Bennett, Cate Visiting Specialist
- Bennett, Harry Honorary Associate Professor
- Bennett, Jon Honorary Associate Professor of Integrated Dental Science
- Bennett, Kristopher
- Bennett, Mark Lecturer in International Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- Bennett, Ruth Strategic Student Recruitment Outreach and Events Manager
- Bennewith, Chris Executive Dean
- Bennion, Jacqueline
- Bentham, Rachel External Examiner
- Benyon-Marno, Kirsty Doctoral Teaching Assistant
- Beresford, Mark Student Engagement and Careers Operations Manager
- Bergier, Tomasz
- Berry, Christopher Associate Professor of Psychology
- Berry, India Assistant Administrator (School Office)
- Berry, Jessica Technical Specialist
- Berry, Nat/Natalie Lecturer - Children's Nursing
- Bescos Garcia, Raul Associate Professor of Human Nutrition and Physiology
- Besinis, Alexander Associate Professor in Mechanical and Medical Engineering
- Besle, Julien Lecturer in Psychology
- Beswick, Amy Research Assistant
- Bethune, Claire Honorary Pathway Lead
- Betts, Chloe
- Bevan-Mogg, Karen Honorary University Fellow - Electives Advisor
- Bhaskar, Shikhar Lecturer in Marketing
- Bibani, Mohammed
- Bibaud, Riley Research Assistant
- Biermann, Lauren Lecturer in Marine Science (Remote Sensing)
- Biggs, Pete Support Technician (Stores)
- Billington, Richard Associate Professor of Biology
- Bilton, David Professor of Aquatic Biology
- Bishop, Danielle Associate Head of School for Teaching, Learning and Quality
- Bishop, John External Examiner
- Bishop-Hawes, Sally Events Senior Administrator
- Blacher, Rosie Administration Team Leader
- Black, Euan External Examiner
- Black, Lucy Associate Director - Facilities and Student Accommodation
- Black, Stephanie Lecturer in Illustration
- Blackburn, Rubi
- Blackler, Amy Student Recruitment Events Team Leader
- Blacklock, Pippa Associate Professor & Consultant in Oral Surgery
- Blackmore, Angela Administrator
- Blackmore, Caleb Data Analyst
- Blackmore, Lucy Visiting Specialist
- Blackwell, Jamie Research Fellow
- Blake, Jamie Weekend Duty Technician (Derriford)
- Blake, Will Professor of Catchment Science
- Blampey, Paul Hall Officer
- Blanchette, Annie Associate Lecturer
- Blandon, Claudia
- Blayney, Sarah Honorary University Fellow
- Bleakley, Alan Emeritus Professor
- Blight, Jacqueline Cleaning Supervisor
- Blissett, Sarah Lecturer in Drama
- Blomley, Alex Faculty Student Recruitment Marketing Manager
- Bloomfield, Mandy Associate Professor in Modern and Contemporary Literature
- Blount, Teresa Clinical Skills Assistant Administrator
- Bluglass, Amanda Associate Lecturer
- Blundy, Emma Senior Clinical Small Group Facilitator (Medical)
- Bobic, Nikolina Lecturer in Architecture (History & Theory)
- Boden, Rich Associate Professor of Microbial Physiology and Taxonomy
- Boeira, Paula Post Doctoral Research Fellow
- Boey, Timothy Honorary University Fellow
- Bogart, Gabrielle Research Funding Manager
- Bohlinger, Michael
- Bokody, Péter Associate Professor of Art History
- Boland, Leonie Honorary Lecturer in Occupational Therapy
- Bolton, Adam Technical Specialist in Hydrography
- Bone, Donella Senior Support Administrator
- Bonell, Simon Honorary University Fellow
- Bonet, Nuria Lecturer in Music
- Boodt, Sarah External Examiner
- Boot, Suzie Lecturer in Paramedic Science
- Booth, Chris Lecturer in User Experience Design
- Booth, Joelle Honorary University Fellow
- Booth, Tamsin Lecturer in Midwifery
- Bordbar, Amir Research Fellow - Clean Maritime LCA
- Borja, Pablo Lecturer in Control Systems Engineering
- Boros, Shoya Digital Learning Designer
- Borthwick, Alistair Professor of Applied Hydrodynamics
- Borthwick, Martin Visiting Researcher
- Boschetti, Chiara Lecturer in Biological Sciences
- Bossing, Torsten Senior Research Fellow
- Boswell, Gillian Clinical Facilitator/Supervisor (Dentist)
- Bottomley, Maurice Research Ethics Administrator
- Bottrell, Noah Senior Technician Digital Fabrication
- Bouabdallah, Fatma Lecturer in Computer Science
- Bouaissi, Aissa Associate Lecturer
- Boulton, Sarah Deputy Head of School and Associate Head of School - Marketing and Recruitment
- Bourne, Ruth Director of IT
- Bowater, Laura Head of Peninsula Medical School
- Bower, Joanna Lecturer in Podiatry
- Bowerman, Scott Clinical Facilitator/Supervisor (Dentist)
- Bowes, Laurence Research Assistant
- Bowkett, Andrew Honorary Lecturer in MSc in Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Biology
- Bowman, David Senior Technician - Clean Maritime and Autonomy
- Bowstead, Helen In-sessional Academic Manager and EFL Lecturer
- Box, Naomi Head of Development and Alumni Relations
- Boxall, Simon External Examiner
- Bradburn, Carrie Clinical Facilitator/Supervisor (Dentist)
- Bradbury, Stephanie Admissions Officer
- Bradley, Emily Senior Administrator (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)
- Bradwell, Hannah Digital Health Research Fellow
- Branca, Luke Senior Technician - Composites
- Brand, Steven Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Economics
- Brandt, Thorsten Honorary Lecturer
- Branton, Dale Digital Experience Manager
- Branton, Deborah Student Portal Content Coordinator
- Braungardt, Charlotte Visiting Specialist
- Brayshay, Mark Emeritus Professor of Human Geography
- Breckenridge, Scott Teaching Fellow
- Breese, Brynmor Lecturer in Human Physiology (Education)
- Brenen, Jayne Head of Faculty Operations
- Brennan, Nicola Associate Professor (Research) in Medical Education
- Brennan, Rosie Associate Professor of Law
- Brett, Emma Student Recruitment Advertising Manager
- Brewer, Claire Lecturer in Education (Primary PGCE and Primary BEd)
- Bridges, Amelia Research Fellow
- Briffa, Mark Associate Head of School (Teaching and Learning)
- Brimacombe, Jennah Evaluation Assistant Analyst
- Bristow, David Emeritus Professor
- Brito, Nuno
- Broad, Ben Mental Health Advisor
- Brockington, David Lecturer in Politics (Education)
- Brocklehurst, James Associate Head of School - Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions
- Brodie, Liane Junior Research Consultant (Coastal Marine Applied Research)
- Bromfield, Alice Content Marketing Officer
- Brookes, Zoe Associate Professor of Dental Education and Research
- Brooks, James Research Marketing Officer
- Brooks, Martin Lecturer in Fine Art
- Brooks, Melanie Research Manager
- Brookshaw, Brendan Lecturer in Policing
- Broomhead, Nathan Lecturer in Pure Mathematics
- Brown, Andy Clinical Skills Tutor
- Brown, Andy Lecturer in Human Resources Management
- Brown, Ben Clinical Skills Site Lead
- Brown, Rachel Head of Development and Alumni Relations
- Brown, Robert Professor of Architecture
- Brown, Sam Senior Information Specialist
- Brown, Sarah Model Patient
- Brown, Scott ORE Supergen Hub Research Fellow
- Browne, Samantha Visiting Specialist
- Bruce, Elpitha Visiting Specialist
- Bruce, Malcolm Honorary Associate Professor
- Brundell, Simeon Honorary Lecturer
- Brunt, Paul Emeritus Professor
- Bryan, Jane Assistant Support Analyst
- Bryce, Marie Senior Research Fellow (CAMERA)
- Buckhurst, Hetal Associate Professor in Optometry
- Buckhurst, Phillip Professor of Optometry
- Buckingham, Sarah Research Fellow - TULAY
- Buckley, James Lecturer in Ecology
- Bull, Susie Model Patient
- Bullion, Cheryl Visiting Specialist
- Bullock, Geoffrey Emeritus Professor
- Bungon, Theodore
- Bunn, Lisa Associate Professor of Neurological Rehabilitation
- Bunn, Lydia Doctoral Teaching Assistant
- Burbridge, Peter Honorary Lecturer
- Burfitt, Eleanor Senior Film Production Officer
- Burhouse, Deborah Project Compliance Manager
- Buriani, Federica Senior Technician (Physical Modelling)
- Burke, Caroline Lecturer in Media Arts
- Burke, Jodie Clinical Lead Optometrist
- Burke, Ricky Lecturer in Architecture and the Built Environment
- Burkill, Peter Emeritus Professor
- Burley, Roxan Associate Lecturer
- Burn, Carla Technical Project Manager
- Burnett, Teresa Honorary Lecturer
- Burningham, Richard Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership Officer
- Burns, Lorna Associate Head of Postgraduate Taught
- Burr, Steven Professor in Medical Education
- Burrell, Amy External Examiner
- Burrell, Dave Support Team Manager
- Burrell, Stephanie Head of Library Operations
- Burrows, Catherine Senior Research Administrator
- Burrows, Lisa Associate Lecturer
- Burrows, Sophie International Marketing Officer
- Burt, Dave Photography Officer
- Burt, Joe Film Production Officer
- Burt, Joshua Senior International Officer
- Burt, Leanne Early Years Practitioner
- Burt, Wendy Lecturer in Adult Nursing
- Burton, Amanda Knowledge Exchange Officer - Green Skills
- Butler, Alan Associate Lecturer
- Butler, Molly Communications Officer
- Butler, Terry Applied Mathematics Support Programme (Area Co-Ordinator)
- Butlin, Martin Support Team Manager
- Butt, Prins External Examiner
- Butt, Stanley Doctoral Teaching Assistant
- Butt, Stephen Senior Developer
- Buzykina, Tetiana KTP Associate
- Byng, Richard Professor in Primary Care Research/PenARC Deputy Director
- Byrd, Erin Visiting Specialist
- Byrne, Susie Content Marketing and Editorial Officer