Book bundles and bursaries for BA (Hons) History students
We provide your core module texts books at no extra cost

As a first year BA (Hons) History student you will receive 11 books that cover the six modules that you will study during this year. These books are useful in later years – especially the books for HIST401 What is History – and you will find yourself going back to them throughout your degree and possibly on into postgraduate study. In your second and third years you will receive additional books that cover your core modules. You will also benefit from document readers and other materials to support you on your modules at no additional charge.
Third year history students have the opportunity to travel on a funded scholarship to the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies in Middelburg (Netherlands) and undertake research for their final year dissertations. We are the only British university to offer scholarships for undergraduate students to this institute.
“My experience at the Roosevelt Institute was both rewarding and really enjoyable. I got the opportunity to look at archival sources on John Collier and the New Deal for Native Americans.”
Anita Tafirenyika, third year BA (Hons) History student