Join us
in September

Join us in September

School of Society and Culture

BA (Hons) Education

Places still available Register for Clearing

UCAS tariff 96 - 112
UCAS course code X308
Institution code P60

3 years

Course type


Study location Plymouth

Do you wish to become a driving force for a better and more just world? We inform, support and promote those looking to become innovators, pioneers and leaders of societal change. Educators can have a lasting impact on people’s lives. Whether you are interested in teaching, professional and personal development, social justice including special needs, equality, diversity and inclusion, working in the social or care industries, community development and creativity this is the course for you.

It’s about a community of friends, students, and staff together, exploring the far reaching influence and power of formal and informal education, across our lifespan and not just in schools, to forge a flexible path to challenging and rewarding careers. This degree will help you make a difference to adults' and children's wellbeing and our global future – it is about becoming the change you want to see.

Careers with this subject

Advice from graduate Charlotte Dunn: 

"Experience is key. Make sure that you take the time to gain lots of experience within schools and working with children as this will help you to confirm whether or not it’s definitely what you want to do. This process will also give you the necessary experience to take with you into your career. 
Personally, whilst at university, I worked in America as a camp counsellor for a summer, I took a placement in a nursery, I spent a few weeks in a school, and I undertook training to become an online mentor for BeatBullying. The University has a fantastic volunteering service which I used."
  Read more from Charlotte in her case study.
Whether you want to teach, or work in social or care contexts, Education will open up a flexible and varied career path. 
  Read what our alumni have to say about the career opportunities their degree gave them.

Key features

  • We are about exploration: around Plymouth, but also further afield. Within the course there is the opportunity to broaden your understanding of education in different environments and cultures: residential trips; an option to do an international study exchange for one or two semesters in the second year; work based learning placements, and more.
  • Learning and working with others: students are given space and tools to develop your individual voice, critical insight, and knowledge over a wide range of the education field. We encourage you to engage with different views and ideas about meaningful, inclusive, and socially just forms of education. We further encourage strong close ties with each other and our programme student / staff body – we are a community and wish to make sure all feel they ‘belong’.
  • Enriched student experience: there are many additional opportunities to nourish a thriving student experience, such as benefitting from visiting speakers; wide ranging free public lectures/performances; Makaton training; teaching English as a second language; safeguarding training and qualification; and a wide range of volunteering experiences and placements in schools and the community.
  • Developing confidence and critical thinking: we encourage and foster students’ knowledge and understanding of yourself and others, to develop confidence and conviction in personal opinions and beliefs and to have these challenged, as well as to build the courage to step outside of your comfort zones and to embrace new things.
  • Becoming a researcher: students arrive imagining they might enter teaching, or social work, etc, at the end. Often, however, as you develop as an academic researcher, new opportunities open up and you catch the research bug! Doing research also helps to build confidence and skills which are useful for many work disciplines in the years ahead.
  • Individual journeys and development: one of the things we particularly prize is the way we work to nurture, challenge and encourage personal growth and development. The course has the journey of 'you' at its heart: the person you wish to be, providing you with the enthusiasm and knowledge you need change the world around us.
  • Early Childhood options: You can dip your toe into another course; as well as the BA (Hons) Education course, you will have the opportunity in your second and third year to take one or two modules from the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies course. 
  • Other learning opportunities: Take advantage of paid or unpaid work based learning module/s to help you stand out when it comes to starting your career. You can also participate in education-related volunteering; or pursue the myriad of opportunities available to all University of Plymouth students on our extensive, exciting city centre campus.

Course details

  • Year 1

  • In the first year key areas are introduced including: issues of social justice, sustainability and policy plus action for social change, alternative education, disability and inclusion, and education for sustainability. Equality sits at the heart of your learning, helping you develop an understanding of the practical, political and social issues in education today. Placement opportunities allow you to develop specific areas of expertise. During the second semester you will study the following three modules side by side:
    • Debating Values in Education (EDST409) 
    • Introduction to Global Education (EDST405)
    • Education Futures (EDST411)

    Core modules

    • Equality and Justice in Education (EDST408)

      This module focuses on notions of equality and social justice as ways of investigating several important issues in both policy and practice of education. It offers an opportunity to compare ideological positions with practices which should be validated against observation and discussion of equality or social justice issues in education. It examines the role of education in addressing social justice.

    • Debating Values in Education (EDST409)

      This module examines the basis of the values and attitudes we hold in relation to educational issues. In particular we address the aims and purposes of education through the perspectives of significant thinkers in the field. Students are encouraged to make an in-depth philosophical study of one example of the application of value systems to an area of educational activity.

    • Education Futures (EDST411)

      This module allows students to consider a diverse range of educational ideas and practices, including for example: de-schooling, radical/revolutionary pedagogies, Steiner, Montessori, educational utopias and democratic schools. Students will be encouraged to use these examples as a basis to consider both current and possible future educational practice.

    • Introduction to Critical Dis/ability Studies and Inclusion (EDST414)

      This module will introduce some of the key perspectives in disability studies and inclusive education. It will critically examine the historical background and different models of disability. It will look at the role of the educator and education system in relation to learners with disabilities and/or special educational needs. Stereotypes, labelling and language use will be examined. It will challenge participants to examine their own attitudes towards disability. Educational perspectives on and practices of exclusion, integration and inclusion will be explored.

    • An Introduction to Critical Questions in Education (EDST415)

      The module addresses central questions in Education, starting with how learning experiences shape, influence, and construct our multiple and ever changing identities. Succeeding sessions will address key issues, such as ‘What is social justice?’; ‘How do we build an inclusive society?’ The weekly sessions will include written exercises to encourage a development of reflective thinking, and will integrate workshops from The Writing Café staff, and Library services to support your academic writing.

    • Introduction to Global Education (EDST416)

      The module takes a broad view of global education and analyses how it relates to human culture and our relationship with the world around us. We will be focusing on environmental, economic, social and political aspects of global issues and how they interrelate, exploring educational ideas and concepts that underpin the aspects of the field.

  • Year 2

  • In the second year you are introduced to research and can take additional modules in outdoor learning, early childhood education, therapeutic interventions, and inclusive practices. Focus on vocational or postgraduate pathways, while work based learning allows you to use paid or unpaid work to enhance your graduate profile. You can also opt for a year or semester studying abroad.

    Core modules

    • Learning Matters (EDST518)

      A module that builds students’ capacity to recognise and evaluate learning as it occurs in educational, work and recreational settings. It draws upon established, current and critical theory on learning and human development, and focuses on applying these theories to examples of educational practice from existing research and the students’ experiences.

    • Introduction to Work-based Learning (EDST519)

      This module is intended to provide students with the opportunity to maximise learning opportunities which accrue from part-time, term-time (PTTT), volunteering and vacation experience, which could include paid or unpaid work, based on the recognition that learning takes place in a wide variety of situations and settings. The module will contextualise work-based learning in higher education; and consider its potential for learning about the self, education and society.

    • Beginning Research Matters (EDST520)

      This module enables students to develop a self-directed in-depth study of an area of educational interest . It further provides a basic introduction to research methods to establish some of the fundamentals of research design and process. The student has the opportunity to identify their own educational points of focus by either studying an area outside the scope of modules on offer; or to pursue in greater depth an area touched upon in an earlier module.

    Optional modules

    • Working with a Range of Professionals (EEC522)

      This module is intended for those who wish to understand more about working with other professionals whose work impacts on young children and their families in some way; in Case Conferences; strategy meetings as well as report writing, producing and implementing developmental and/or safeguarding plans, etc.

    • Child Well-being in the Developing World Challenge Module (EEC545)

      Through this module you will be thinking about the big challenges facing young children today in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through reflecting on childhood and the well-being of young children in the developing world (defined as those that are low on the UN Human Development Index), we will be looking critically at issues such as poverty, global inequalities, access to resources, education, health, conflict, livelihoods and sustainability.

    • Learning Outside the Classroom (EDST521)

      This module focuses on the understanding and personal exploration of Learning Outside the Classroom and Outdoor Learning. Understanding of the fieldwill be gained through theoretical and practical sessions. Students are encouraged to link theory with practice and will devise and justify (drawing on literature and personal reflection) a program of activities for a targeted group in a named real-world location.

    • Sustainable Education in Action - Challenge Module (EDST527)

      Through this module you will be thinking about the big challenges of today in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through a service learning and collaborative sustainable education approach, you will be creatively engaged with pressing issues across the city and local area in order to facilitate learning that helps us make positive change together. This module will enable you to reflect on your development as: competent and confident professionals, sustainable and global citizens, resilient and thriving individuals, and critical and creative learners.

    • Creating Therapeutic Spaces in Education and Communities (EDST528)

      This module aims to conceptualise Inclusion through a broad lens, and explore therapeutic conditions, practices and processes and the roles they can play in developing Inclusive Communities in education and social settings. Discussion, group explorations and creative activities are used to develop understanding of therapeutic principles and consider what makes an inclusive therapeutic space and/or a site of belonging.

  • Final year

  • In the final year your main focus is educational research. Career-related option modules are available in years 2 and 3, linked to your personal development as an educator and member of society. There are opportunities to go on course-related residentials in selected modules.

    Core modules

    • Research in Education (EDST602)

      This module enhances students knowledge and understanding of the nature, significance and role of research and its impact on theory, policy and practice in the field of education. It develops students knowledge, skills and understanding in respect of planning, designing, carrying out and critically evaluating their own independent educational research enquiries.

    Optional modules

    • Education for the 21st century: Global, Sustainable and Wild (EDST617)

      This module offers an integrated approach to key themes in envisioning future fit education; namely global citizenship, sustainable development and environmental care. It asks the learner to explore contemporary educational issues such as the impact of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Global Action Programme for ESD. It critically and creatively considers the role of compassionate engagement in education with regard to ecological literacy, global citizenship, human rights, social justice, peace and planetary well-being.

    • Enabling Environments for Young Children's Learning (EEC627)

      This module considers issues surrounding the spaces in which adults interact with children in teaching and learning relationships. Students will examine governments' and practitioners' beliefs and principles that influence the creation of these `spaces' and the pedagogic practices within them

    • Children and Risk (EEC638)

      Looking at the complexity of child protection issues, within a personal, institutional and community context, addressing the issue of risk and the decision-making process the right decision against the defensible decision, in order to develop a personal, and critical perspective on issues of protection and control. In addition an exploration of the concept of Risk In the wider context.

    • Voice and Participation in Education and Society (EDST627)

      The module engages with a range of approaches to, and understandings of, inclusive values, practices and cultures within educational settings. The module is organised around two central questions. First, What is the difference between being in and being of an educational setting? Second, how might we best live and learn together and how can inclusive practice be developed by focussing on issues of voice and participation in education and society.

    • Wellbeing and the 'Good Life' (EDST618)

      What is meant by ‘wellbeing’? How do we know what it is, what affects it, and how to evaluate ours? What do we need to consider if we are going to ‘manage’ our own and to have achievable goals for a ‘Good Life’? This module is about exploring concepts and theories surrounding wellbeing, and to question our own individual and cultural values and expectations in regard to it. Essentially, though, it is about questioning our own, and looking at a small but significant wellbeing toolkit to help us negotiate the myriad challenges of daily life.

    • Troubling Gender and Sexualities (EDST619)

      This module will explore theories and discourses surrounding gender and sexualities to examine historical, philosophical, political and cultural references, as well as personal experiences. The intention of this module is to raise personal and professional awareness of our differently gendered identities, practices, and attitudes towards sexualities. These will be contextualised within social and popular/culture phenomena in order to explore messages and representation of gender, transgender and sexuality issues, and to examine education and societal practices which foster the above. Ultimately, it is about raising a consciousness and inspiring action for change.

Every undergraduate taught course has a detailed programme specification document describing the course aims, the course structure, the teaching and learning methods, the learning outcomes and the rules of assessment.

The following programme specification represents the latest course structure and may be subject to change:

BA (Hons) Education Programme Specification September 24_6763

The modules shown for this course are those currently being studied by our students, or are proposed new modules. Please note that programme structures and individual modules are subject to amendment from time to time as part of the University’s curriculum enrichment programme and in line with changes in the University’s policies and requirements.

DBS assessments and other requirements

It is important to note all offers of a place to study with us are made subject to receipt of satisfactory screenings prior to starting your course.

Entry requirements

UCAS tariff

96 - 112

A level
From a minimum of two A levels. Other combinations will be considered. Preference is given for Arts/Drama/Social Sciences/Early Years/English/ Humanities/Media, however all subjects are considered.
T level
Preference is given to education, social science, childcare or health and social care but others are considered. A minimum of a Pass (C or more on the core) is required.
26–28. Preference is given for Arts/Drama/Social Sciences/Early Years/English/Humanities/Media, however, all subjects are considered.
English accepted within - Advanced Level = 4, Standard Level = 5
If overseas and not studying English within IB – MUST have IELTS 6.0 overall with 5.5 in all elements
Although you do not require GCSE grade C or above in English Language and Mathematics for this course, please note that if you choose to go on to study a PGCE Primary you will require them. The same applies to a GCSE in Science (Grade 4/C or above). 
Third-year entry is possible with a foundation degree or HND in a related subject. 
MMM. Preference is given for Arts/Drama/Social Sciences/Early Years/English/Humanities/Media, however, all subjects are considered.
BTEC National Diploma modules
If you hold a BTEC qualification it is vital that you provide our Admissions team with details of the exact modules you have studied as part of the BTEC. Without this information, we may be unable to process your application quickly and you could experience significant delays in the progress of your application to study with us. Please explicitly state the full list of modules within your qualification at the time of application.
Pass of which 33 must be at merit or distinction level.
Equivalent qualifications may be considered, please contact Or you may like to consider our BA (Hons) Education with Foundation course.
Extended entry requirements
  • disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Disclosure
  • all offers made for this course are subject to a satisfactory Enhanced DBS check
  • we also ask all applicants to complete a self-disclosure form so that the University can consider suitability for programmes that involve contact with children and vulnerable adults. This form offers the opportunity to declare any criminal convictions prior to completing a DBS application
  • if English is not your first language you will have to achieve an IELTS or equivalent qualification at the grades stated below. If you are considering another equivalent qualification, please contact admissions
  • IELTS - Overall average score of at least 6.0, with a score of at least 5.5 in the listening and reading sections and at least 5.5 in the writing and speaking sections
  • meeting the academic minimum is the first stage of an application being considered. Applicants must also submit a strong personal statement in order to be considered further
  • English language requirements 
  • We welcome applicants with international qualifications. To view other accepted qualifications please refer to our tariff glossary. 
Further information
  • Come and visit us at University open days and/or offer holder days to find out more and meet some of our tutors and current students!

Fees, costs and funding

Student 2023-2024 2024-2025
Home £9,250 £9,250
International £16,300 £17,100
Part time (Home) £770 £770
Full time fees shown are per annum. Part time fees shown are per 10 credits. Please note that fees are reviewed on an annual basis. Fees and the conditions that apply to them shown in the prospectus are correct at the time of going to print. Fees shown on the web are the most up to date but are still subject to change in exceptional circumstances. More information about fees and funding.

Undergraduate scholarships for international students

To reward outstanding achievement the University of Plymouth offers scholarship schemes to help towards funding your studies.

Additional costs

This course is delivered by the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business and more details of any additional costs associated with the faculty's courses are listed on the following page: Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business additional costs.

Essential technology for your studies 

The university recommends that all students have access to their own technology to access their programme. If you’re purchasing a laptop, you should review the specifications listed below, but if you’re unsure about the requirements for your course, ensure that you ask your programme team before you buy anything:
  • Minimum specifications for basic processing (enabling the use of university web-based systems and general-purpose applications, such as Office 365): Intel Core i3, 8GB RAM, SSD storage, Full HD display or equivalent, Windows 10.
  • Recommended specifications for students intending to run a variety of software applications: Intel Core i5, 16GB RAM, SSD storage, Full HD display or equivalent, Windows 10.

Bursaries and funds

If you’re experiencing financial hardship due to extra costs, unexpected health issues or other factors, there are bursaries and funds to help you. Take a look at our Bursaries and support funds page.

How to apply

All applications for undergraduate courses are made through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). 
UCAS will ask for the information contained in the box at the top of this course page including the UCAS course code and the institution code. 
To apply for this course and for more information about submitting an application including application deadline dates, please visit the UCAS website.
Support is also available to overseas students applying to the University from our International Office via our how to apply webpage or email

Benefit from an international study exchange

To promote international opportunities for our students, we offer an optional second year study exchange for one or two semesters. Students have studied in partner universities in the USA via our International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) and in Europe.
Students enjoy time spent learning in a different environment where tutor and peer support continue, travelling and making new international friends, developing new expertise and attending sporting and cultural events. The students who opt for this have referred to it as a transformational life-enhancing and changing experience.
Psychology international exchange students in Mexico
Open door concept for BA (Hons) Education

Our team

  • Lecturer in Education
    Programme Lead; Interests: social justice; youth & community; exclusion & school
  • Lecturer in Education
    Programme Lead; Interests: therapeutic relationships; gender issues; wellbeing
  • Lecturer in Education
    Programme Lead; Interests: music & arts, socially just & well communities
  • Lecturer in Education
    Lecturer; Interests: racial equity; art and communities; therapeutic inclusion
  • Lecturer in Education
    Lecturer; Interests: environmental & sustainability education; outdoor learning
  • Associate Lecturer
    Associate Lecturer; Interests: evidence-based teaching; critical pedagogies
  • Research Assistant (SHAPE)
    Lecturer; Interests: social equality; widening participation & higher education
  • Research Assistant in Education
    Lecturer; Interests: disabilities and inclusion; SEN provision; social justice
  • Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Education (IMP)
    Associate Professor; Interests: social theory; accountability; maths education
  • Lecturer in Education
    Lecturer; Interests: lifelong and lifewide learning; diverse education settings
  • Associate Professor
    Associate Professor; Interests: sustainability/ ESD, innovation, active learning
  • Associate Professor in Education
    Associate Professor; Interests: inclusive pedagogies; voice & student experience
  • Doctoral Teaching Assistant
    Doctoral Teaching Assistant; Interests: social mobility, access to education
  • Doctoral Teaching Assistant
    Doctoral Teaching Assistant; Interests: trauma and student wellbeing; feminisms
*These are the latest results from the National Student Survey. Please note that the data published on Discover Uni is updated annually in September.