women working

Tackling gender inequality

Gender equity and the underrepresentation of all genders across different disciplines is an ongoing challenge in higher education. As long-standing members of the Athena Swan charter, the University of Plymouth is committed to tackling this inequality, wherever it occurs. 
This page outlines our approaches and the actions we are taking to address gender disparity in Higher Education as well as showcasing Plymouth's extraordinary story makers and giving you the tools and information to support us in our fight to tackle gender inequality. 
EDI - gender equality

Athena Swan

The Athena Swan Charter is a national initiative that recognises commitment to advancing women's representation and tackling gender inequality in higher education and research. Originally designed to target improvement for women within science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) subjects and senior positions, it has now been extended to include arts, humanities, social science, business and law (AHSSBL), as well as professional and support roles, and for trans staff and students. Universities and institutions that can prove they are committed to the advancement and promotion of women in STEMM, AHSSBL and support services can apply for membership. As an institution, we have been a member of the Athena Swan charter mark since 2009.
Athena SWAN Silver Award logo
As an institution, we have been a member of the Athena Swan charter mark since 2009 and in 2023, reached the milestone of holding an Athena Swan award for every School in the University. 
In March 2024, we achieved an institutional level Silver award for the first time. 

Learn more

Our University Women’s Network and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team have put together a range of resources to help everyone learn how to address gender inequality in a special Gender Equality Toolkit.
This toolkit comprises of a range of resources handpicked by our Women's Network to inform and entertain you, including films, documentaries, podcasts, books (both fiction and non-fiction), articles, websites and more.
Gender Equality Toolkit (University log-in required)

Speak up

The University of Plymouth is proud to be a safe, welcoming and diverse community – our staff, students and anyone interacting with us should feel comfortable being who they are.
We believe that bullying, harassment and discrimination are never okay. Any allegations of this nature (which includes sexual violence, abuse or hate) are taken incredibly seriously.
Staff, students, contractors and members of the public can report incidents they have experienced or witnessed using our Speak Up tool and these can be reported anonymously if you wish.


Bounce! is a Women’s Development Programme open to those who identify as women and are undergraduate or postgraduate students or recent graduates. This free two day personal and professional development programme helps build confidence in recognising your skills and strengths, assertiveness and impact when speaking as well as a sense of mindfulness and wellbeing. 
Bounce graphic-edited

Stay safe overseas

Travelling overseas with a protected characteristic can sometimes be challenging and add additional barriers to the safety and enjoyment of your trip. Working with Health and Safety, our Staff Networks and UPSU we have a dedicated travel advice page to help you when planning a trip.
Young woman showing the way during hiking activities