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About the menopause network

The University of Plymouth menopause network was initially launched as a support group in March 2019 for all employees and expanded to become an official staff network in October 2019.
All genders and ages are welcome to attend the meeting, whether you’re experiencing symptoms yourself and want to meet others in a similar situation or if you would like to understand more about the menopause. 
Meetings are held roughly every six to eight weeks as well as social events throughout the year and topics to discuss or share are guided by the members of the network. As with all staff networks, the menopause network receives an annual budget and is independent from any department of the University.

Our aims:

  • To provide a forum to talk about the menopause and share experiences.
  • To provide support and guidance where possible.
  • To invite speakers/clinicians to campus.
  • To advise and give feedback on University policy development and associated practice.

Menopause awareness sessions

What do you know about the menopause? Are you, a family member, friend, colleague or employee experiencing menopause and want to know more and how you can support them?
Menopause awareness sessions have now been launched on Employee Self Service for both employees and also managers. The sessions will be advertised via the staff bulletin and can be booked onto via ESS
The University will be looking to run the same sessions again in the future. If you are interested in attending register your interest with
menopause group
Female diverse faces of different ethnicity. Women empowerment feminism movement pattern. International Women's Day.

Menopause Toolkit

One of our six EDI Toolkits, the Menopause Toolkit provides a range of resources handpicked by our Menopause Support Network to inform and support you.
Browse a range of podcasts, blogs, apps and videos, a selection of recommended books and suggestion websites which provide support and information about perimenopause and the menopause.
If you have any recommendations for additions to this toolkit just email the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Team at
Access the Menopause Toolkit (University log-in required)