visual branding for Bounce

Bounce! is a personal and professional development programme, open to students who identify as a woman at the University of Plymouth, including undergraduates, postgraduates, and recent graduates.

Bounce logo
Bounce! Women student development programme
The programme is interactive, and we will be joined by various guest speakers, who will share their personal experiences and invite you to ask them questions. You will receive a handbook with all the activities, and resources for your own further reading. Following the programme, you will receive a certificate and be invited to participate in additional workshops and events.  
There are two options to engage with the programme. You could attend our popular two-day Bounce! Accelerator programme, or our new four-week Wednesday afternoon programme. Places are limited and we anticipate demand to be high! We will have a waiting list in place for each programme. If you sign up for a place, and can no longer make it, please ensure you cancel your place, so that someone else may benefit from attending.

Build your:

  • confidence in recognising your skills, strengths, qualities and values
  • personal power (you have a lot more than you think!)
  • assertiveness and impact when speaking
  • sense of mindfulness and wellbeing
  • ability to make personal and professional connections.

Overcome some of the barriers that can get in your way including:

  • overthinking
  • self-doubt and insecurities
  • staying in your comfort zone
  • gender bias and the ‘glass ceiling effect’.
The programme is interactive and we will be joined by various guest speakers, who will share their personal experiences and invite you to ask them questions.


Whether you are wanting to get a professional role, work for yourself and/or just want to build your inner confidence this programme is for you.
You bring the motivation; we’ll bring the tools!
There are two options to engage with the programme. You could attend our popular two-day Bounce! Accelerator programme, or our new four-week Wednesday afternoon programme.

Don’t just take our word for it, this is what our 2021/22 and 2022/23 participants had to say:

  • 100% would recommend the programme to others 
  • 100% said it improved their knowledge, understanding and confidence in the topic areas
  • 100% said the content was very good/good
  • 98% said that the guest speakers were very good/good.


If you are a current student, you may be eligible for the Career Development Bursary, which is worth up to £250, and can pay for costs associated with attending the programme, such as travel and/or childcare. 
Check your eligibility and apply
If you are a recent graduate, you may be eligible for the Careers Service Graduate Career Bursary, which is worth up to £250, and can pay for costs associated with attending the programme, such as travel and/or childcare. 
Check your eligibility and apply
Bounce! participants

Individual event information

Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 December 2024

Join our two-day Autumn programme on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 December 2024
Session one: Wednesday 28 February 2024
Start time: 09:00
Finish time: 17:00
Location: Main Campus TBC
Guest speakers: TBC
Please note you need to attend both days.

Wednesday 5 February to 26 February 2025

Join our Wednesday afternoon Spring four week programme from Wednesday 5 February to 26 February 2025
Start time: 13:30
Finish time: 17:00
Location: Main Campus TBC
Guest speakers: TBC
Please note you need to attend all four afternoons.

Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 May 2025

Join our two-day Summer programme on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 May 2025
Start time: 09:00
Finish time: 17:00
Location: Main Campus TBC
Guest speakers: TBC
Please note you need to attend both days.

Event FAQs

I would like to attend but I can’t make both days/all four sessions – can I apply?

As mentioned above, it’s really important that everyone please attend each of the two days/four sessions.
We don’t often take time for ourselves to reflect on, think about and act on things that are happening in our lives and it’s an important part of being able to move on or move forward. As each section of the programme builds on and integrates with the next, actively engaging gives you and other attendees the maximum amount of time to build new support networks and maximise you’re learning. If you’re unable to attend the whole of one programme, take a look at our next available dates.

How do I secure my place?

You need to book your place by logging into myCareer or selecting the link in the dates and how to book section. We will allocate places on a first-come, first-served basis so please make sure you book in good time to give you the best chance at securing a place on the programme. If the programme is full, we can add you to a waiting list and inform you if a place becomes available. Places are free but limited. If you apply to attend a workshop, please do everything you can to ensure your attendance, as by booking a place you will prevent someone else from attending.

Who is it suitable for?

Bounce! is inclusive and open to all students who identify as a woman at the University of Plymouth, including undergraduates, postgraduates and recent graduates.

What should I do if I have additional support needs?

Please let us know in advance so that we can work with you to provide any necessary adjustments. Email and mark it as for the attention of Sarah Plunkett and Katie Finnimore so that we can liaise with you directly.

Can I bring a friend?

Of course! As long as they are able to attend the full dates, are a University of Plymouth student and identify as a woman and/or are non-binary they are also welcome to apply. Don’t be afraid to come on your own either, there will be lots of opportunities to make new friends and sometimes it’s easier to discuss things that are on your mind with relative strangers.

How much personal stuff do I have to share?

What, and how much information, you share during the programme is entirely your choice. Everything discussed as part of the programme will be kept confidential; the only exception to this would be if safeguarding issues were raised.

Will you provide lunch and/or refreshments?

No unfortunately not. Please bring your own lunch/refreshments. Suitable breaks will be provided.

Is there a virtual / online version?

No, the Bounce! programme is in person only.

I have previously attended the programme, can I sign up again?

We would love for previous attendees to re-attend the programme but since places are limited, you would unintentionally prevent someone else from attending.

I work at Plymouth University and would like to join Bounce! as a guest speaker. What should I do?

If you would like to be a guest speaker we would love to hear from you - please email

What our participants say

Previous guest speakers


Sarah Plunkett – Bounce Lead Facilitator 

“My name is Sarah and I am a Careers and Employability Consultant at the University of Plymouth. For the past 16 years, it has been my mission to help all individuals to discover their purpose, fulfil their potential and find happiness in their lives. 
I feel very fortunate to have met, and had the opportunity to support a range of individuals who have experienced substance misuse, emotional and mental illness, and been involved in crime. 
During the last recession, I also co-wrote and delivered a week-long course for senior managers, on six-figure salaries who had been made redundant. 
Every person is different, but I have always been impressed by individuals' resilience and their inner strength, despite facing adversity or difficulties.
16 years ago, I began working in higher education and during this time I took the opportunity to experiment, learn and grow; progressing from a practitioner to a Head of Service senior manager role.
I have had my fair share of ups and downs, but when it comes to my career, I have always tried to join the dots, discover what was right for me and stay true to myself.
Sarah Plunkett (on the right) with her mum
Sarah (on the right) with her mum in St Ives, Cornwall 
I am super excited to be leading on this programme- in terms of women whose qualities I admire I would have to say the top of my list is my mum.  I can sometimes be a bit of a pessimist, but she is an optimist and always tries to see the brighter side of things, even when things don’t go according to plan.  She has also been by my side throughout my ups and downs, and I can quite honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for her love, support and encouragement.  

Katie Finnimore – Bounce Facilitator

“Hi! I’m Katie and I work as a Careers and Employability Consultant at the University of Plymouth.
I’ve had a deep and personal interest in the personal and professional development of women for many years now, so much so that I made it the topic of my Research Project as part of my masters. 
I am hugely passionate about equitability and accepting individuals to create and pursue their own definition of success, rather than constantly being pressured by societal expectations.
In more recent years this passion has expanded into understanding additional challenges of intersectionality and improving broader equitability such as in relation to race, disability and LGBT+.
I have attended a number of programmes specifically for women both as an attendee and guest speaker as well as delivering programmes. 
In my experience you can gain a huge amount from them including deep connections with new friends and have a lot of fun; I’m excited for you to join us on this programme. 
Katie Finnimore and her gran
Katie with her nan
I have two quotes that I’d like to share with you while you’re thinking about applying to the programme: the first from Baroness Shami Chakrabarti: ‘Aspire to be anyone’s equal but no-one’s superior’ and the second, which I, unfortunately, don’t know who to attribute to: ‘Behind every strong woman is a pack of strong women who have her back.’ 
I look forward to meeting you soon.”

Adewumi Awelewa - Bounce Marketing Assistant 

During my internship with Bounce!, I focused on researching women's achievements, challenges, and opportunities across various fields. I designed engaging marketing materials and infographics to enhance Bounce's visibility and participation.
Collaborating with the Bounce Team, I helped create compelling content that supports women's professional development. I am proud to have contributed to a program making a real difference in the lives of women at the University.
Adewumi Awelewa
Careers Service