PIHR Researcher support services
Information and resources for Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research researchers
If you are interested in collaboration opportunities or have a question around the work we do contact us on: PIHRSupport@plymouth.ac.uk
Find funding using Research Professional

Useful researcher resources
Selected research funding sources
Useful links to help you discover potential funding opportunities.
Useful links
Apply for research funding
Support and guidance to help you through the application process.
Apply for research funding
Internally allocated funding
- Health Pump Priming Fund: this provides seed-corn funding for small research projects with the aim that they will subsequently be scaled-up and attract additional external funding. The 2020/21 fund supported 17 such projects and a further 8 projects are currently being funded in the 2022/3 round. The fund has also been supported by the Faculty of Health.
- SHAP(E)ing Health Collaboration Fund: jointly funded with the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business, this fund supports collaborative research between academics from health and social care backgrounds and those from the arts, humanities and business. Further details can be found here.
- QR Policy Support Fund: funding from Research England has been used to support a number of projects to help academics better engage with policy-makers. Details of the projects funded in the 2021 can be found here.
If you have any questions about future internal research funding opportunities please contact PIHRSupport@plymouth.ac.uk
Internally Allocated Funding Initiatives
Managing research and managing research data
Links and downloadable guides to guide you towards effective research and data management.
Applying for ethical approval
All research by staff, research students and taught masters students which involves human subjects and/or human tissue will always require ethical approval by a properly constituted ethics committee.
Public & Patient Involvement (PPI)
Useful Links

Preparing a systematic review (incl. meta-analysis)
Publication preparation guidance
Your guide to the essential considerations when preparing journal publications and handling editorial feedback.
Useful guides

Achieving Research Impact
Ensuring our research findings make a positive impact on people and communities, not least through influencing policy-makers, can be as challenging as it is critical. In early 2021 PIHR funded the ECR Forum for Health-related researchers to organise a series of workshops for both early career and other researchers on engaging policy-makers. Below are links to some of the workshop resources together with other useful impact-related links. These additional links include a policy engagement toolkit developed by our colleagues in the University's Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business. Please note: you will need a UoP login to access some of this content.
Useful Links

Mentoring for Junior Researchers
The Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research (PIHR) runs a mentoring programme to support junior researchers in the University of Plymouth's Faculty of Health in the development of their research careers. The benefits for mentees include enhanced confidence, career direction, an expanded network, and a supportive environment to discuss ideas. If you are a junior health researcher within the University's Faculty of Health and would like to find out more please email: fohstaffmentoring@plymouth.ac.uk
PIHR has also set-up some guidance and training resources for mentors and mentees. University of Plymouth staff members can access these using the links below.
Early Career Researcher Forum for health-related researchers

Researcher reflections
Researchers associated with PIHR reflect on different aspects of their research experience citing key lessons and learning points:

Postgraduate Research Coordinators
Dr Lisa Bunn
Associate Professor of Neurological Rehabilitation
School of Health Professions
Dr Andrew Foey
Associate Professor of Immunology
School of Biomedical Sciences
Dr Patricia Kanngiesser
Associate Professor in Psychology
School of Psychology
Dr Jane March-McDonald
Lecturer in Adult Nursing (Education)
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Professor David Murphy
Clinical Programme Director
Programme Manager – DClinPsy
Professor David Parkinson
Professor of Neuroscience
Peninsula Medical School
Dr Vehid Salih
Associate Professor (Reader) in Oral & Dental Health Research
Peninsula Dental School
Continuing Professional Development opportunities
The University offers a range of CPD opportunities to gain new knowledge, skills and behaviours and remain up to date in all areas of your practice.