A new piece of technology called the Body Sensor Network which can be used to help diagnose Parkinson's disease being tested.
Our research investigates optimal ways of providing education related to clinical skills. 
Recent studies have investigated the use of simulation to improve performance of a range of clinical skills and the contribution of situation awareness to skill performance.
We are collaborating on studies with the University of Brighton (Professor Julie Scholes) and Monash University in Melbourne (Associate Professor Simon Cooper and Leigh Kinsman): current studies underway with this group include:
  • Identifying patient deterioration: rural hospitals clinical skills (Funder: Monash University Small Grant Scheme, Australia, AUS19,060).
  • Identifying maternal and neonatal deterioration in a simulated environment: measuring and developing student midwives' knowledge, clinical skills and situation awareness (Funder: Equity Trustees Australia, AUS51,400).
Other work:
Our programme of research embraces much of the clinical research undertaken by group members and is led by Professor Ruth Endacott . The aim of our programme is to examine factors influencing how change in a patient's condition is assessed and managed. Our work in this area spans acute/chronic and age range continua, with studies undertaken in a range of out of hospital, critical care and ward settings. 
Studies in the clinical skills laboratories include identifying the impact of different modes of skills learning on student's knowledge and self-efficacy.
Studies underway or recently completed include:
  • development of a model to underpin simulation learning, including web-based simulation – https://first2act.com/
  • recognition of deterioration in a simulated environment
  • impact of near-peer teaching for undergraduate clinical skills
  • recognising and initiating High Dependency Maternity Care
  • TULIPS – Transforming Undergraduate Learning with Inter-Professional Simulation funded by the Higher Education Academy (in conjunction with Plymouth University Medical and Dental School)
  • INACTIC: International Nursing Advanced Competency-based Training for Intensive Care Survey of critical care course provision and assessment methods across Europe Funded by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM).

Our people

Sample publications

Scholes J, Endacott R, Biro MA, Bulle B, Cooper S, et al. (2012) Clinical decision-making: midwifery students' recognition of, and response to, post partum haemorrhage in the simulation environment. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 12:19
Endacott R, Scholes J, Cooper S, et al (2012) Identifying patient deterioration: using simulation and reflective interviewing to examine clinical skills performance in a rural hospital. International Journal of Nursing Studies 49: 710-717 
James A, Endacott R, Stenhouse E. (2011) Identifying women requiring high dependency care. Midwifery 27(1): 60-66 
Endacott R, Scholes J, Buykx P. Cooper S, et al. (2010) When do patient signs become cues? Detecting clinical cues of deterioration in a simulated environment. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(12): 2722-2731 
Cooper S, Endacott R, Cant R. (2010) Measuring non-technical skills in medical emergency care: a review of assessment methods. Open Access Emergency Medicine 2: 7-16 
Endacott R, Chaboyer W, Edington J, Thalib L. (2010) Effects of an ICU Liaison Nurse on major adverse events in patients recently discharged from ICU. Resuscitation 81: 198-201 
Cooper S, Bradbury M & Blakely, G. (2009). Expert clinical examiners' decision processes in objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs); is intuition a valid and reliable decision strategy? International Journal of Clinical Skills,3(3), 140-145 

Sample conference papers

Bradbury M, Harding V, Hambridge K, Endacott R, Jeffery K, Pettit S. Is near peer teaching an effective method for teaching undergraduate skills? 5th International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy 21 May 
Endacott R. It's all about teamwork in the pathway of a critically ill patient; developing teamwork skills. (keynote paper) European federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations (EfCCNA) Congress, Belgrade, Serbia. 23-25 May 
Henderson T, Endacott R, Bradbury M, Allum P, Winfield L, et al. Testing the FIRST2ACT simulation model with inter-professional experienced learners in situations requiring ethical decision-making skills. 5th International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy 21 May 2013 
Endacott R. Innovation in simulation for education and research (Keynote paper) International Congress on Innovations in Nursing Perth, 21-23 November 2012 
Endacott R. Use of simulation for individual training. (Keynote paper) Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 12-14 Oct 2011