If you would like to participate in the study or have any further queries/questions, please contact Dr Alexander Legge.
What are the perceptions of dentists regarding the impact of enhanced-PPE upon clinical performance and patient communication within primary dental care?
As part of the dental profession’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are conducting a research study aiming to explore the perceptions and experiences of dental practitioners regarding the impact of enhanced personal protective equipment (PPE) upon their visual and motor skills as well as the perspective regarding the consequences of enhanced-PPE on communication and shared decision-making with patients. Enhanced-PPE refers to the respirator mask, gown, glove and cap ensemble which need to be worn in order to undertake aerosol-generating procedures as stipulated by UK-based guidance.
Study participation
We are looking to hear from dental practitioners who are currently working, or who have within the last six-months worked in enhanced-PPE.
Your involvement within this study will give you the opportunity to share your perspectives related to the provision of dental care whilst using enhanced-PPE. Your own experiences and insight form an important first step in understanding any impact that enhanced-PPE may have on clinical performance and patient communication; something which can occur following major changes to clinical environments and equipment.
The findings of our research will provide context and build towards further research related to enhanced-PPE and dentistry. We aim to improve preparedness and identify priorities for the management of current and future acute viral respiratory illnesses which become widespread within the community. It is important to be able to strike a balance between PPE which ensures safety whilst allowing for the provision of effective and patient focussed dental care.
We would be grateful if you could spare around 30-60 minutes of your time to join us for an online interview. This can be arranged at a time which is convenient for you. All participation or enquiries will be confidential, and your interview data will be anonymised. This research study has received approval from the Faculty of Health Research and Integrity Ethics Committee.
If you would like to participate in the study or have any further queries/questions, please contact Dr Alexander Legge.
Find out more by reading the
participant information sheet .
Who's involved
Dr Alexander Legge
Honorary University Fellow
Professor Mona Nasser
Director Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research (PIHR)
Professor Jos Latour
Professor in Clinical Nursing