About the Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research

Who we are and how to contact us

If you are interested in collaboration opportunities or have a question around the work we do contact us on: PIHRSupport@plymouth.ac.uk. Staff members can also use this email to subscribe our internal mailing list.

Follow us on Twitter: @PHealthCareRes

If you are based outside the University you can join our public mailing list to receive updates on news, events and our newsletter.

Our Institute provides a vibrant academic community. Our researchers come from a range of disciplines, specialisms and clinical backgrounds. We provide a supportive environment for our researchers and encourage collaboration across disciplinary and sectoral boundaries.
The Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research (PIHR) brings together academics from a wide range of disciplines in the Faculty of Health (Biomedical Sciences, Dentistry, Health Professions, Health Services Research, Medicine, Nursing, Primary Care, Psychology, Public health and Social Care), together with researchers in the University’s Faculties of Science and Engineering and Arts, Humanities and Business, and our partners in the public, private and third sectors, nationally and internationally.
Our mission is to promote an interdisciplinary, inclusive enterprise with a real commitment to working across boundaries in order to meet the needs of the people of the South West and other rural, coastal, and deprived communities worldwide.
PIHR's role is to enable and accelerate research, support new and productive collaborations, and multiply the quality and the impact of our work. It does so by means of a responsive and dynamic system that avoids the limitations of siloed and divisive organisational structures. PIHR's research is primarily developed and conducted through our two strategic research themes, representing our key areas of interdisciplinary interest and expertise: Brain and Mind and Future Ready Health and Care. These themes traverse our research groups and centres. 
Our values are to:
  • pursue excellence
  • act with integrity
  • value all our people
  • work together collaboratively
  • lead innovation
  • make a difference
Our members:
  • produce world leading research
  • excel in developing innovative theoretical and methodological approaches
  • are committed to knowledge mobilisation - conducting research that engages with the people who are likely to use our research (patients, carers and members of the public, commissioners, voluntary sector professionals, managers, clinicians of various backgrounds, policy makers, third sector and private sector organisations)
  • produce research that demonstrably makes a contribution to improving the lives of people and communities, at both a local, national and global level.
Our governance and management
The Director, Professor Mona Nasser heads up the Institute and is responsible for its strategic direction and core support activities. She is supported in this role by the PIHR Manager.
The Institute is overseen by an internal steering group and an external advisory group. Its members also sit on a range of University (the research and innovation committee; REF21 committee; and Arts Institute Management Group) and external (the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation, Change Grow Live) committees.
Our strategic aims are to:
  • promote interdisciplinary research collaboration, within PIHR, across the University and with external collaborators, increasing critical mass and contributing to the achievement of the University’s 2030 Strategy
  • ensure our researchers, at whatever stage in their career, receive the support and resources they need to excel (with a particular focus on postgraduate, early-career researchers and teaching staff seeking to (re-) launch their research).
  • increase external income for health related research and commercial activity, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • realise the University’s commitment to knowledge mobilisation by developing stronger links with patient, community, public, private and voluntary stakeholders, and improving public understanding of health-related research. 
  • develop stronger and sustained collaborations with other universities at a regional, national and international level.
  • enhance the regional, national and international profile and reputation of the University’s health-related research and expertise, including the impact they are having outside of academia. 
  • ensure our research is inextricably linked to our educative mission and that each informs and enhances the other.

PIHR Staff

PIHR Steering Group