Victoria Allgar

Academic profile

Professor Victoria Allgar

Professor of Medical Statistics and Director of PenCTU
Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)

About Victoria

Professor of Medical Statistics- Head of Medical Statistics Group and Director of the Peninsula Clinical Trial Unit (PenCTU). 
As Director of PenCTU, I have responsibility for the management and strategic direction of PenCTU. I take primary responsibility for the programme of independent, externally funded clinical trials and related research projects. I ensure that all trials in PenCTU are conducted according to appropriate regulatory, scientifically rigorous and evidence-based standards.  I lead and co-ordinate research activities of the Medical Statistics Group. I act as senior statistician on projects, contributing to setting the research agenda and leading the statistical and methodological elements, developing and managing staff and attracting sustained and major funding through bids and reputation. The Statistical Consultancy Service run statistical clinics for staff and students .  I work collaboratively with academics, clinicians and other health services researchers providing statistical expertise and leadership. My work focuses on bringing together the knowledge of a range of experts from different specialisations to help identify and answer key research questions. I support the development and delivery of clinical and applied health and social care research. I have significant experience of leading contributions to the planning and design, conduct, statistical analysis and reporting of clinical trials, and other well designed studies. PenCTU supports the development and delivery of clinical and applied health and care research, offering a range of services, from pre-application methodological support to full study delivery.

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