
The University of Plymouth is committed to supporting all staff who identify as carers to achieve a good work-life balance in order to continue excelling at work while remaining able to balance their caring responsibilities.

This page aims to provide all relevant guidance and support information related to being a carer in one place and enables you to build networks with fellow colleagues in similar situations. We hope this network will help staff with finding an ideal balance between work and home life as well as accessing useful resources and facilitating conversations between colleagues.

If you have any queries, comments or suggestions, please contact

carer care 
help and support 

Carers' policies, procedures, guidance and support

The University has a range of policies and procedures in place to support and guide University staff who are carers, including those relating to the risk assessment template and guidance, compassionate leave(including time off for dependents) and the Flexible working policy and guidance to ensure that University employees have a healthy work-life balance.
There is also guidance on general staff support available via the University web pages in addition to occupational health and the employee assistance programme

Sources of information and support