Construction building surveying placement

Work experience

Graduating from University may seem far away, but it will come around quickly. When that time comes you are then potentially competing with various other graduates for the same opportunities. More than ever before employers are seeking individuals with actual ‘work experience’ on their CV and so by gaining what you can, whilst at University, can really help you stand out from the crowd.

What is work experience? 

Work experience can be gained from bite size, short experiences, or, spread out over an academic cycle. Examples include part time work, volunteering, a placement-year, internship and extra-curricular activities, either as part of your degree programme or completely optional.
Typically, in a work setting you are developing ‘employability’ skills, perhaps without even realising it. For example, teamwork, communication, time keeping, working to deadlines, resilience, creativity and adaptability. Graduate recruiters proactively seek evidence of these skills in your future job applications and that’s why work experience is so important.

What are the benefits of work experience? 

  • Build a number of key employability skills
  • Put theory of your course into practice 
  • Get a taste for your chosen career, helping you to make informed decisions 
  • Expand upon your professional network 
  • Potentially earn money around studies 
  • Learn skills you cannot develop on your course.

How can I get involved?

Here at the Plymouth, via your own dedicated Careers Service and other departments, we provide you with a number of opportunities to gain some work experience and this page will walk you through all the options available. We are here to help, but only you can make gaining work experience happen.
Biomedical Science
Female intern or student on laptop/computer. student is completing an internship, placement, mentorship or work experience.

Placement year

What is a placement?
Also referred to as a placement-year, sandwich-year, work-placement or year in industry. For many subject areas a placement is an integrated part of your degree, entirely optional, but strongly encouraged. Taking place after your second year of study, you’ll work for a company/organisation for six to twelve months (depending on your degree). Once complete you return for your final year of study, with a whole year of work experience to add to your CV.

Why do a Placement?
In addition to providing you with an opportunity to apply your subject knowledge and technical skills in a professional environment, a placement also provides an invaluable insight into organisational communication, culture, professional workplace behaviours, applied skills and working relationships. Placement students also feedback how incredibly valuable the experience has been in increasing self-confidence and encouraging reflective practice, while also developing many ‘missing skills’ that employers look for in graduates. 

Benefits of a placement

  • Enhanced employment prospects – many students go back to their placement provider at the graduate level
  • Improved skills and knowledge, including ‘softer’ employability skills, and specific technical skills and competencies
  • Increased understanding and awareness of the world of work, ability to articulate skills and achievements and self-awareness
  • Broaden your network of professional contacts.

Who can do a placement?
Many courses provide the option of a placement. Before looking for opportunities check your programme specification or speak to your personal tutor to find out whether an optional placement year is available to you. If your course doesn't offer a placement or work-based learning, the Careers Service can explore other work experience options with you.

What help is available?
We have a dedicated placements team and your subject area has an allocated Placement Adviser. Throughout your second year you’ll have access to:
  • Timetabled sessions designed to help prepare you with finding/securing a placement.
  • Tailored placement subject pages, with a number of resources and top tips, including ‘lists of placement providers’.
  • Employer and returning placement student guest speakers.
  • Daily placement drop-in appointments, for help with applications, interview preparation, and placement search techniques.
  • The Careers Hub - open daily with a large number of on-line resources to benefit your search.

Where to look?

Our 'top-tips':
  • Make use of the placements team and your Placement Adviser, with years of experience they really can help.
  • Regularly check the placements advertised via the myCareer platform (opportunities from Target Jobs also show on here). 
  • Many of the placements via myCareer are direct from employers we’ve had students placed with before. We also ‘tag’ the roles specifically for your subject area, making the process even easier for you. 
  • The earlier you come for help the better, but never presume you’ve left it too late, come and speak with the team who can advise you on what is available.
Other recommended platforms:

Contact your placements team
Our team are here to support you throughout your placement. You can contact us on or +44 1752 586007. You can also book an appointment via myCareer.

Placement year tuition fee

To complete a University recognised optional placement year there is a reduced tuition fee which will not exceed 20% of the standard annual University tuition fee for the academic year you complete your placement. For more detail on this and the services/resources available to you whilst on a placement, please go to our dedicated tuition fees for optional placement years page.

Placements overseas

Overseas placements
You may be able to complete your placement overseas. An overseas placement can add to the professional skills you will develop within the workplace and give you a wider international perspective that is valued by employers.
Examples of recent international placements secured by our students from a range of subjects include:
  • Placement Geophysical Surveyor Land/Water, ADEDE, Belgium (student studying BSc Ocean Exploration and Surveying)
  • Research Assistant, Marine and Environment Research Lab (MER), Cyprus (student studying BSc Marine Biology)
  • Ports & Maritime Placement, Jacobs, Dubai (student studying BEng Civil Engineering)
  • Zora Bots, Robotics Intern, Belgium (student studying MEng Robotics)
  • Games Designer, Netherlands (student studying BSc Computing and Games Development)
  • MTU Rolls Royce Power Systems, Germany (student studying BEng Mechanical Engineering)
  • Marketing and Sales Intern, BASF, Netherlands (student studying BA International Business)
  • Intern Operations, Morgan Stanley, Frankfurt (student studying BA Hons International Business)
  • PR & HR Intern, Nepal Realistic Solutions, Kathmandu – Nepal (student studying BA Hons International Business)
Top tips and key points to consider:
  • Make yourself known to your allocated Placement Advisor and start the process of looking for the overseas placement early, ideally at the beginning of semester 1.
  • There can be more to consider and work through, such as a visa, travel and accommodation arrangements and sourcing the opportunity, so being proactive with the process is important.
  • Stay organised with the process – log which organisations you have approached and your progress with the application and travel arrangements.


What is an internship?
An internship is traditionally shorter in length than a placement-year, with some lasting two weeks, and others 3–6 months. Internships are a great way to gain experience in a working environment that relates to your field of study, as well as build upon the theory you have learned at university and you’ll gain practical skills and knowledge that will boost your overall employability prospects. 
Benefits of an internship:
  • Improves your range employability skills
  • Flexibility – often internships can be completed during the holiday periods or on a part-time basis around your studies
  • Network with professionals in your field of study – an internship could lead to future employment
  • Gain valuable work experience to put on your CV and boost future applications.

Part-time work

Working part-time is an excellent way to gain valuable work experience around your studies, whilst earning some money. 
Part-time work can be in a setting relevant to your degree subject but often is more informal and flexible. Whilst part-time work, in many cases, is more casual, don’t underestimate its benefit to you and your CV. Employers like to see that you have been employed, it shows you are therefore ‘employable’ and you will still gain important experience. It’s also a good CV builder which is important when applying for graduate opportunities. 
If you are looking for a part-time job on campus or in the local area visit myCareer, sign in using your University login and search for opportunities today. For more information visit our looking for work page .

Student Ambassador

Becoming a Student Ambassador can be a great way to gain some part-time work experience whilst at University. Once you’ve passed a recruitment process you are part of a dedicated and professional team, supporting a variety of departments across the University at open, applicant and interview days and other events.
  • Central Student Ambassadors undertake activities on open days such as guest registration or campus tours.
  • Subject-Specific Student Ambassadors talk about their course in more depth.
The careers service recruit Student Ambassadors from across the full range of courses and from diverse backgrounds and experiences. It’s a great team to be part of! Find out more about becoming a Student Ambassador  

Forage – virtual experience

Forage offers you the opportunity to develop real-world skills directly from leading organizations through their Virtual Experience Programmes. Enrol now using your student email address and explore a diverse range of project simulations designed by top graduate employers.
Immerse yourself in realistic, employer-created projects and build the skills that will give you a competitive edge in the job market. Take advantage of this chance to explore different career options and get a head start on your professional development.

Professional mentoring

You can also gain experience and insight into your chosen profession via different mentoring programmes run by the University. When joining the Professional Mentoring Programme, run from the Careers Service, you’ll be allocated with a mentor for six months, giving you the opportunity to ask various questions about their career journey, industry/sector knowledge, recruitment related top tips, and more.

Extracurricular activities

An ‘extracurricular activity’ is something you participate in outside of your studies. There are many ways you can do this at University and all will provide you with the opportunity to develop soft skills and experience favoured by employers.
Examples include joining a club and/or society with a role to play on the committee or being a course rep for your year group. Find out what clubs and societies are available for you to join.
The  Careers Service also run a number of events for you, geared around providing you with a platform to push some comfort barriers, as you would in the real world once you graduate.

Others ways you can gain work experience whilst at Plymouth

Volunteering with the SU
Volunteering is a fun and flexible way to gain valuable experience, to develop your skillset whilst making a positive impact and giving back to the community. It also says a lot about you as an individual and can be an interesting talking point when in future job interviews. The University of Plymouth SU collaborates with charities and organisations so that you can be more than just your degree and develop so much more.

For information visit

Work Based Learning (WBL)
WBL is like mini placement where you gain work experience over one module during your normal studies, with some credit attached. Different courses have work-based learning modules in different years, so ask your lecturer or personal tutor if this is an option that is available to you. Remember, if WBL learning is not part of your degree then speak with the Careers Service about an internship or placement.

Study abroad

Research shows that students who study abroad during their degree are more likely to get a job and earn more when they graduate. (UK HE International Unit, 2019. Gone International: rising aspirations. Universities UK)
For further information on what is available to you, read about exchange opportunities for Plymouth students .

Employers we regularly engage with

Stand out to employers

Hear from recent graduates and current employers on how to stand out as a candidate when looking for a placement or graduate role.

"Go the extra mile. Look for placements even if it’s voluntary or just for a few weeks, it will benefit you in the long term. The more things you can put on your CV the more you stand out."

"Soft skills are the primary differentiating factor between one candidate and another. The ability to articulate clearly and confidently in an interview is important."

International placement student
Careers Service