Architecture work placements work experience 
Our Careers Insight Programme is 100 hours of work experience within a University department or external organisation, working on a clearly defined project. Upon successful completion of the programme, you will be awarded a bursary payment of £1,000.
As well as providing you with a high-quality, professional experience, the Careers Insight Programme will enable you to experience a typical graduate recruitment process, preparing you well for the future.
You will also be required to complete a testimonial.


You should be a UK home undergraduate and belong to one or more of the following groups:
  • Have household income of less than £35,000 and have applied for all available funding from Student Finance – including all mean-tested support.
  • From an area where few people access higher education (low-participation neighbourhoods*) or from a disadvantaged socioeconomic background.
  • Student of Black, Asian, mixed heritage or another minority ethnic group such as the Gypsy, Roma or Traveller community.
  • Disabled student or student with a mental health condition, medical condition or specific learning difference.
  • Neurodivergent student, for example an autistic or dyslexic student, student with ADHD, student with Tourette's, etc. – although this list is not exhaustive.
  • Mature student or over 21 when you started your first undergraduate degree.
  • Care-experienced.
  • Caring for another vulnerable adult.
*Low Participation Neighbourhood: an area where a low percentage of students progress to higher education. You can check to see if your home postcode qualifies by entering the postcode on the Office for Students webpage. 
Your postcode qualifies if it shows as TUNDRA – Quintile 1. Quintile 1 means this is an area where the fewest students progress into higher education.

How do I apply?

  • Check you meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Log on to MyCareer where the opportunities are advertised. When you see one that you like, click on “apply.”
  • Complete the online application, upload your CV and cover letter telling us why you would like to undertake this experience and what you could bring to the specific role. We can help you with your application.
Shortlisting will take place after applications close and you will be notified if you have been successful.
Should the programme be oversubscribed, priority will be given to specific under-represented students who are Black and/or from a Low Participation Neighbourhood.
Careers Service presentation screenshot