antibiotic tablets

The following trials are fully managed:


Title: Randomised, Phase II open label study of Rituximab/Ibritinib vs Rituximab/Chemo in older patients with mantle cell lymphoma.

Chief Investigator: Dr David Lewis (UHPNT)

CRUK  ISRCTN11038174

Oasis II

Title: A randomized phase II trial evaluating Ibrutinib plus CD20 Ab and Ibrutinib-Venetoclax plus CD20 Ab in patients with untreated mantle cell lymphoma.

Chief Investigator: Professor Steven Le Gouill (Institut Curie - Paris)

Associate Coordinating Investigator: Dr David Lewis (UHPNT)


Title: Simvastatin as a neuroprotective treatment for Parkinson’s disease – a double-blind, placebo controlled clinical learning study in patients of moderate severity.

Chief Investigator: Dr Camille Carroll, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Plymouth.

Study website    ISRCTN16108482

The following studies are supported through the provision of randomisation and/or data services:

Facet Joint

Title: A pilot multi-centre three arm randomised controlled feasibility study (for a definitive trial) of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of facet joint injections in patients with persistent non-specific low back pain of more than six months' duration.

Chief Investigator: Professor Richard Langford, Bath and The London NHS Trust

Study website    ISRCTN12191542

This unit receives National Institute for Health and Care Research CTU Support Funding. This funding has been awarded to support the unit in developing and supporting NIHR trials.