Architecture portfolio hero image

Andy Humphreys – BA (Hons) Architecture Programme Leader – talks to our students about portfolio creation

What is a portfolio and why is it significant?
The portfolio is a record of your creative potential. We are interested in seeing the work that best showcases you.
How to put together a portfolio?
Demonstrate your creative abilities by including a range of work that shows evidence of diversity of skills, and an aptitude to use a wide range of materials and media. We are interested in seeing the process that led to the final product. This might include, but is not limited to (note - you are not required to show all of the following):
  • Drawings (analogue and digital); collages; paintings; graphic design; 3D work – models; pages from sketchbooks; photography; precedent studies of architects / artists; films; soundscapes / music compositions; creative writing; for example, poetry and stories.
How many pages?
Minimum 12 pages and maximum 20 pages. 
How to submit?
  • Digital images only, taken from either original digitally-based work, scans of flat work, or photographs of 3D work. 
  • Your portfolio (saved in PDF format) should have a cover page listing your name, UCAS number and a cover image produced by you.
  • Total portfolio file size should be less than 20MB.
  • Please email your portfolio to The email should include your name (and UCAS number if you are a UK home student).

Portfolio queries
If you have any more questions regarding your portfolio or application please do not hesitate to contact us.
Email: or