Make a difference by studying marine conservation and sustainability
We’re trying to protect our precious marine environment, but we need to do more – find out how you can make a difference by studying a masters

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
We don’t yet know how long it takes plastic to degrade in the natural environment. We’ve only been mass-producing plastic for around 60 years and the likelihood is that all of the conventional plastics we’ve ever made are still with us on the planet, unless they’ve been incinerated.
Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS
Director of the Marine Institute
We are recognised as an innovative leader in higher education for marine, across teaching and learning, research and our University operations
International Marine Litter Research Unit
Furthering our understanding of litter on the environment and defining solutions
Marine Conservation Research Group
Investigating the consequences of human activity on marine biodiversity and its ecosystem services
One Ocean Hub
Ensuring that knowledge, experiences and rights of people reliant on the oceans are recognised and included in decision-making and resource management