Press office news tagged
Student wins competition to design lighting for BAFTAs dress
Plymouth University news: A Plymouth University student rubbed shoulders with stars of the small screen as she saw one of her designs showcased at the 2015 British Academy Television Awards
Treatment programmes effective in cutting reoffending
Plymouth University news: Offenders enrolled in alcohol treatment programmes as part of their sentence are significantly less likely to be charged or reconvicted in the 12 months following their conviction, a study led by Plymouth University has shown
Business School launches trade programme
Plymouth University news: The Plymouth Business School is launching a new course , BSc (Hons) Management Practice – International Trade, in collaboration with the Institute of Export (IoE)
Marine Institute to research marine impact of new wave energy project
Plymouth University news: EU Horizon 2020 programme grants EUR 17 million for wave power research project in Cornwall
Global elite collaborate to address surfing industry's sustainability challenges
Plymouth University news: The surfing world’s most powerful figures and practitioners have been brought together for a new book, published by University of Plymouth Press, and exploring how the industry is grappling with the challenge of sustainability
New species of diving beetle found living in isolation in Africa
Plymouth University news: A striking new species of beetle with no direct relatives has been identified by a scientist from Plymouth University living in wetlands on the outskirts of Cape Town
Scientists discover new species of glass frog in Costa Rica
Plymouth University news: Scientists discover new species of glass frog in Costa Rica
Students are set to benefit from bursaries
Plymouth University News: Bursaries are set to help students boost their personal and professional development
Plymouth University climbs to record high inside the top 40 modern universities in the world
Plymouth University news: Plymouth University is ranked 37th in the 2015 Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 League table - xth in terms of UK institutions
First restorative dentistry pass for Peninsula
Plymouth University news: Tim O'Brien is the first person to pass the Intercollegiate Speciality Fellowship Examination in Restorative Dentistry run by Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Students offered life-changing opportunities
University of Plymouth news: Students are offered life-changing opportunities.
Artists from across Europe to feature in Plymouth Contemporary Open 2015
Plymouth University news: The line-up of artists has been revealed for the Plymouth Contemporary Open 2015 scheduled for July and August in the Peninsula Arts gallery.