Hannah Carter – BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult Health)
Hannah’s journey at the University of Plymouth Exeter School of Nursing

Name: Hannah Carter
Course: BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult Health)
Location: The Exeter School of Nursing
"The lecturers and mentors I have had the pleasure to work with have demonstrated to me the best of nursing. They bring passion and commitment into everything they do. They really are inspiring people."
Focus on skills
"One of the best experiences I have had as a student nurse has to be working in the simulation laboratory when learning nursing clinical skills. These are invaluable for our learning and are also a lot of fun. You can learn the skills you need in a safe environment with your fellow students. One particular occasion was an in-hospital arrest simulation. This was a really fun experience as we were left to act on our own and then debriefed. We watched ourselves back on video and then were thrown straight back in to do the simulation again. This was not only a good learning experience but helped me to enjoy these sessions and make the most of my time in the simulation laboratory."
"I have had four placements so far. I have been placed with a community hospital, the emergency assessment unit, general theatres and a GP practice. These placements have been very varied experiences and I now understand the breadth and depth of nursing a lot better."
"Placements have given me a good base of knowledge and skills to continue to build upon."
"I have gained so many skills it is impossible to list them all. I am nearing the end of my second year and I have gained really in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiology, pharmacology, core nursing concepts and practical skills needed to become a nurse. I am excited to start my third year and build upon this knowledge."

Studying at The Exeter School of Nursing

"Studying at the Exeter School of Nursing has helped me feel part of a community. As our cohort is smaller you are able to really get to know your fellow students, we are all able to support each other and work together to get through the examinations and theory work. The Exeter School of Nursing campus is also in a location that makes commuting easy as it is on the outskirts of the town with easy access to the motorway."
"I would recommend the Exeter School of Nursing as I am loving my time there. As a mature student I need to balance family life and university life, being at Exeter has really allowed that to happen for me."
Extracurricular experiences
"The university offers so many extracurricular activities and experiences. For example I am part of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Student Champion Scheme. The scheme aims to improve the routine use of evidence-based information by future health and social care staff. As part of this scheme I have received and given training on the NICE evidence search."
"I have now been invited to London for the NICE conference where I will be able to network and improve my nursing knowledge and skills with one of the biggest influencers in evidence based practice."

Inspired by this story?
For more information about studying nursing, please visit our BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult Health) page.
For more information about our range of health courses within the School of Nursing and Midwifery, please visit the school page.