A taste of the real world
Find out how BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering graduate Jack Williams' industry placement set him on the path to career success

The Bloodhound Supersonic Car Team - image credit Stefan Marjoram
University of Plymouth graduate Jack Williams was awarded a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering in 2016 and is now on a Programme and Project Management Graduate Scheme with Airbus.
"I was offered a place on the Programme and Project Management Graduate scheme at Airbus whilst in my final year of university. The scheme is made up of several placements, one of which can be at a different company."
"I spent four months with the Bloodhound Supersonic Car (SSC) land-speed record project team. I worked most days with land speed record holder Andy Green and engineers doing ground-breaking work at the forefront of their respective fields."
"I had the amazing opportunity to be part of the start team for all 21 dynamic tests of the car at Newquay Airport."
"I can say with 100 per cent certainty that I wouldn’t be in the position I am today without my placement year. It made a huge difference to not only my CV, but my confidence and general business know-how."
"My placement year showed me that for a career I wanted to mix both engineering and business. My final year project was on the management of engineering innovation and this theme has carried onto my work now. Without the placement year it may have taken me many years to discover this."
"Additionally my placement year made me determined to graduate with the best degree mark possible. I had the taste of the ‘real world’ and wanted to get back into it in the best position possible."
"The key factor for me choosing Plymouth was because I immediately felt comfortable there on the open day. Additionally I knew several people who had studied there who had gone on to do well. I chose Mechanical Engineering because I knew it could open doors for me as it’s well respected by industry and specifically Mechanical Engineering at Plymouth because of the placement year."
"I think Plymouth prepared me well. I’d recommend it because of the lecturers, having spoken to friends who’d studied elsewhere it is clear to me that the lecturers I had were particularly helpful and willing to go the extra mile to support you. Particular lecturers really had a positive impact on me and despite my current work at Airbus often being very hard I can say with certainty I’m unlikely to ever face anything as difficult as thermo or fluid-dynamics again!"
"I made use of the careers and employability service when applying to graduate schemes.
I found it helpful to talk things through with someone and really identify what it was I wanted in my career.
We went through several iterations of my CV and it was something I received praise on from the assessors at Airbus and other companies I applied for."
For more information about mechanical engineering please visit our BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering. For more information about our range of courses within the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics please visit the school page.
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