We are a group of researchers who undertake internationally leading interdisciplinary research tackling some of the most pressing societal challenges facing the globe including health inequalities; climate change communication; nationalism and political unrest; and development aid. In the most recent assessment of research excellence (REF2021) 86% of our research was judged to be ‘world class’ or ‘internationally excellent’ and we are ranked 8th in the country for research impact. We work closely with colleagues in the Sustainable Earth Institute and the Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research.
We have particular strengths in digital culture and research methodology including ethnography, photo-elicitation and discourse analysis, as well as the analysis of large data-sets using synthetic estimation and microsimulation. The
Methodological Innovations research group is focused on supporting and improving the understanding and application of contemporary approaches to the research of the social world. Members of the team founded the Sage journal, Methodological Innovations. We have a regular seminar series and welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students.