Having some virtual fun - seniors wearing VR glasses
Across our portfolio of diverse projects, our multi-disciplinary team has supported service providers, start-ups, and small businesses, as well as a number of non-profit organisations. We have helped shape and run co-design workshops, pilot technologies, secure grant funding, and provide training on a range of topics from regulation and compliance to NHS commissioning. 
The Centre for Health Technology is committed to supporting innovators develop products and services rooted in real-world need, solving problems raised by developers, practitioners, and patients, among others. 
Through our work with industry on projects such as Generating Older Active Lives Digitally (GOALD), EPIC and Intergenerational Codesign of Novel technologies In Coastal communities (ICONIC), we have worked with a broad range of innovators, including robotics such as Akara’s Violet, apps that support management of long-term health conditions, such as Neap and Hunrosa, as well as innovators who seek to address health inequalities, such as Kensa Health
We pride ourselves on collaboration and work with a number of industry experts, organisations and intergenerational participant groups to co-design health technologies and provide effective solutions.

Without EPIC we would have struggled to get that balance of pushing our company forwards, whilst having access to the research side and the knowledge that EPIC has provided us with.

Kensa Health founder and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Rose Abbott.

Plymouth Community Homes Digital Living Lab 

The Plymouth Community Homes Digital Living Lab is an innovative, real-world environment where researchers, companies, the health and care sector and end-users collaborate to co-create, test and refine new digital health technologies across the whole of the innovation pathway. Unlike traditional research and development settings, this living lab takes place in an actual, everyday context – in homes or public spaces – and it therefore allows for the observation and evaluation of how people naturally interact with new digital health technologies (DHT) in their daily lives. CHT’s core aims within this project are to address the range of complex barriers that have led to a mismatch between technological innovation and implementation within healthcare and to demonstrate the value proposition of Digital Health Technologies.
woman sat at table in a kitchen on her mobile phone



The team have been great; really professional, and they really helped frame what we needed to get out of it and helped make things happen. They conducted a lot of research for us, which was amazing.

Joy founder, Patrick Harding 

Transforming lives and supporting an economy of wellbeing through the development and application of health technology innovations in health and care.