Topic Microplastics

Last updated: 24 May 2024

How can we turn the tide on plastic pollution?

Waves pushing plastic waste to the beach.

Discover why there is a global plastic emergency and how scientists are working to provide solutions

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Last updated: 17 May 2024

Study the seas at Plymouth

Cave diving – sunbeam into the dark cave

Take the plunge and explore the wide variety of study opportunities taking place at Plymouth

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Last updated: 16 May 2024

7 questions with Professor Richard Thompson OBE

Richard Thompson, Plymouth Pioneers

Get to know the #PlymouthPioneer who is saving our seas from plastic

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Last updated: 26 April 2024

Are microplastics a big problem?

Microplastics on the beach

Discover microplastics’ effects on the environment and what the University of Plymouth is doing to help

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Last updated: 4 March 2024

Dr Imogen Napper: researching plastic pollution within the marine environment

Imogen Napper

Dr Napper is working to #EndPlasticSoup at the University's International Marine Litter Research Unit

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Last updated: 19 February 2024

Bite-size paper: Exploring perceptions of microplastics in personal care products

Microbeads in cosmetics

Research gives a positive indication that a ban on microbeads would be accepted

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Last updated: 15 December 2023

The Queen's Anniversary Prize for pioneering research on marine microplastics pollution and its impact on the environment and changing behaviour

Plastic water bottle on a beach

Our ground-breaking research into microplastics pollution has received the highest honour that can be bestowed upon a higher education institution

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Last updated: 23 November 2023

Jennifer Scott, postgraduate researcher, CDT SuMMeR: Cohort 1

Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources (CDT SuMMeR)

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Last updated: 13 September 2023

Current and future effects of microplastics on marine ecosystems (the MINIMISE project)

Plastic marine litter

Delivering new knowledge of the risks posed by microplastics

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Last updated: 21 August 2023

Minister for the Cabinet Office briefed on University's world-leading marine and maritime research

The Rt Hon David Lidington CBE MP (centre) with, from left, Professor Kevin Jones, Vice-Chancellor Professor Judith Petts CBE, Professor Deborah Greaves OBE and Professor Richard Thompson OBE

The Minister for the Cabinet Office, the Rt Hon David Lidington CBE MP, visited the University to see marine and maritime excellence in action

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