Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Key features

This 20 credit degree-level module will enhance and develop your existing skills in using evidence to inform your clinical decision making. It will enable you to extend your knowledge around research methodology and methods with a focus on critical appraisal and the use of secondary research to inform clinical care.

You will learn to identify and formulate practice-based research questions and develop effective search strategies to retrieve research-based evidence. You will then build on your ability to critically evaluate a body of research-based evidence and implement your findings using appropriate models and/or frameworks.

The module meets the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Conduct (NMC, 2015) and the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards to support learning and assessment in practice; and NMC standards for mentors, practice teachers and teachers (NMC, 2008).

Module code




FHEQ level

Level 6 – bachelors degree


Blended learning approach with face to face delivery in Truro and Plymouth

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Course details

Upon successful completion of this module you will be able to:
  • understand the formulation of clinical questions derived from practice-based topics using appropriate frameworks
  • develop an effective search strategy to identify and retrieve appropriate research-based evidence
  • critically evaluate a body of research-based evidence using appropriate critical appraisal tools and draw conclusions from the review consistent with the strengths and limitations identified
  • discuss workplace-related issues relevant to the conclusions drawn from the review using appropriate models or frameworks.
The assessment for this module is a 3,000 word essay focusing on the ability to critically appraise a body of evidence and relate this to the clinical workplace.
(Please note that these assessment details are subject to change – if you require further information please contact the module lead or the Professional Development Unit).
Please be aware that all modules run to minimum numbers. In the event that there are low numbers, this module may be rescheduled to an alternative date. Some modules are also subject to maximum numbers.

Module dates

17, 24 September, 8, 22 October and 5, 12, 19 November 2024.
16, 23 January, 6, 13, 27 February and 6, 13 or 14 March 2025 (students only need to attend one of the last two dates for a tutorial).
(Occasionally delivery dates might be subject to change – always check with the module lead or Professional Development Unit).
This module can be studied as a standalone professional development module or as a core module towards the following programmes:

Admissions information 

Additional information and documentation required for the application process.
  • Application forms. 
  • Change of name forms.
  • Pre-course information.
  • Downloadable guides.
  • Student card.
Admissions information Additional information and documentation required for the application process.Access to application forms, download guides and confirmation information. Visit our admissions homepage.

Student insight

“Before embarking on the evidence-informed decision making module, I felt most research papers spoke another language. The only attempt I made to understand them was to read the abstract which often baffled me. By completing the module, I now see clearly how misleading reading the abstract can be. I now feel equipped to decide which research is robust and which is not. Whilst studying, I became passionate about the subject, which surprised me. I feel strongly that the module has enhanced my practice; and enabled me to form better arguments in a clinical debate.”

Entry requirements

To be eligible for the module you must:
  • be a registered health and social care professional, or
  • a health and social care worker in possession of previous study at level 5 (Diploma of Higher Education) or a foundation degree
  • have evidence of research methods knowledge relevant to clinical decision making.
