Students as partners

Coming to one of the internationally leading sustainable universities as well as the Ocean City, with an incredible wild and beautiful landscape on its door step, gives you countless opportunities to get involved in making a real difference! Check out just some of the study linked and extra-curricular opportunities here and choose forthcoming events to find out about future workshops.

The Future Leaders Programme

The Future Leaders Programme

The Future Leaders Programme is open to any students with an interest in helping to lead sustainability education here at the University. Working in partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Futures and in an informal team setting, your vision and enterprise will help us to innovate new learning opportunities both within and beyond the campus. The programme also provides you with personal development opportunities to develop your leadership, creativity, teamwork and communication skills. Interested? Then get in touch with the Centre for Sustainable Futures at

UPSU Environment and Sustainability Forum (ESF)

UPSU Environment and Sustainability Forum (ESF)

Build a campaign from scratch or help with current projects, this forum is open to anyone with an interest in local sustainability solutions. It is a space for students to share their ideas for ultimate change within the UPSU and the University, so why not come along to one of the monthly meetings advertised on the Facebook page UPSU: Environment and Sustainability Forum, or if you would like to know more visit the UPSU's website
Two bees demonstrating 'trophallaxis' - sharing hive pheromones with the mouthparts.
Dissertation for Good

Dissertations for Good

The University is excited to be part of the pilot programme for the new Dissertations for Good initiative by the NUS. 
Dissertations for Good is an online, brokering tool that helps students who want a real-life research opportunity to meet organisations that have real-life sustainability problems. The web tool and app is accessible to all and facilitates interaction between individuals and organisations who want to enhance the sustainability of business and community. For organisations it will be a vital injection of time, energy and clever thinking and for students there is the opportunity to develop their employability, expand their networks and do meaningful research, making them better placed for an increasingly competitive job market.
In support of the Dissertations for Good initiative there is also the Sustainable Earth Institute Student Sustainability Research Prize. In 2015 and 2016, this prize celebrated the amazing research carried out by students at the University of Plymouth. 
Please see the following page for previous winners and summaries of their research.
Plymouth: Creating a Sustainable Future
If you are interested in supporting a sustainable future for Plymouth, then as a starting point why not look at the joint research manifesto co-developed by Plymouth City Council and the ISSR (now the Sustainable Earth Institute). The manifesto outlines some initial research questions that can support Plymouth’s sustainable growth and frames these into nine priority research themes; Health inequalities, natural infrastructure, water quality and flooding, home energy, transport, knowledge economy, sustainable food, governance and participation and housing. For more information visit the student prize 2016 page