Regimes and revolutions: European art, 1750–1850
Art History
BA (Hons) Art History featured module - Regimes and revolutions: European art, 1750-1850. This module examines the extraordinary scope of art and visual culture produced in the ‘Age of Revolutions’.
Victorian values
Art History
BA (Hons) Art History featured module - Victorian values. This module introduces students to exciting developments in British art during the nineteenth century.
Power, patronage and ideology: the Italian Renaissance
Art History
BA (Hons) Art History featured module - Power, patronage and ideology: the Italian Renaissance. This module introduces Italian Renaissance art, with a particular focus on the influence of patrons and politics on the art of this period.
Black History Month 2024
Celebrating Black History Month at the University of Plymouth
Historian named as joint winner of prestigious national prize
Dr Louis Halewood is chosen by the Institute of Historical Research as one of two winners for the 2020 Sir Julian Corbett Prize in Modern Naval History.
University of Plymouth faces The 3rd Degree
The University of Plymouth appears on the long-running Radio 4 show The 3rd Degree for the first time.
Ella Graham Goodman – BA (Hons) History with English graduate
Plymouth University: Ella talks to us about her experiences studying at Plymouth University
The history of singing Christmas carols
The history of singing Christmas carols. Discover how this Christmas tradition began and has changed over time.
LGBT+ History Month
Celebrating LGBT+ history and culture at the University of Plymouth
Georgian Sites
The Georgian Sites project aims to conduct fresh research to bring new insights into Georgian architecture and history at various locations.
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