Postgraduate education programmes – important documentation
All of the important documentation you'll need when applying for a number of the postgraduate education programmes at the University of Plymouth

After you have applied and received your offer to study on one of our postgraduate education programmes, you must accept your offer by emailing the Postgraduate Admissions and Enquiries Team at, within two weeks of the date of your offer letter. Failure to do so may mean that you miss out on important information or opportunities regarding your programme.
If you have applied through UCAS / UCAS Teacher Training, you will be advised by them on how and when you will need to respond to this offer.
Below you will find all of the important documentation you will need to complete and supply to us before you can secure your place on one of our postgraduate education programmes. You can download and print off the document by opening the document links below. These forms need to be completed by anyone who has applied for the following programmes listed below*.