Sam and sophie
Here you will find all the information you need regarding registration with the University of Plymouth, useful links to our academic regulations and processes, transcript insert information and how to contact the professional services team at the University of Plymouth. 
All information on this webpage is intended for students who are studying at one of our partner colleges:
  • Cornwall College
  • City College Plymouth
  • City of Bristol College
  • Exeter College
  • Highlands College
  • Petroc College
  • South Devon College
  • Truro and Penwith College

Online enrolment (OLE)

Once you have been accepted on your course by the partner college we set up a student record for you at the University. You will then need to enrol with the University.

Either your college will contact you with details of how to log in and the information you will need, or you will be sent an email with hyperlinks to take you to the OLE part of the University website. OLE needs to be done for each year of study e.g. if you are studying part time or repeat a year.

Completing OLE enables you to check the information we have on record for you and make any changes. It sets your record from 'provisional' to 'live' on our student database. In your first year of study it also triggers the production of your University ID card and creates University computing and email accounts for you. This gives you access to our online resources and campus facilities. OLE is necessary to enable the University of Plymouth to record your marks and calculate your results.

You may wish to forward emails to your college email account so you do not have to monitor an additional email account. Because of data security considerations, any emails sent to you from the professional services team will be sent to your University of Plymouth student email address.

Please read through the guidance notes and frequently asked questions below before completing your registration with the University of Plymouth.


Please note:

As your contract is with your partner college, you are paying fees to that college so the fee information should be completed by putting a tick in the ‘No fees payable box’ and enter the reason type as ‘partner college’

Guidance notes and FAQs

Important information

  • You will need to complete online registration (OLE) at the start of each academic year. As part of OLE you will be able to check the information we record about you and some personal information such as your address.
  • Remember to tick the ‘no fees payable box’ and enter the reason type as ‘Partner College’ as no fee is due to the University of Plymouth.

If you need help or advice

Please send an email including your full name, student reference number, programme of study and six digit error code (if any) to our dedicated enrolment queries email account:

For Library and IT Enquiries contact:
International students with a query regarding having their passport and visa scanned prior to registration should contact the UKVI Compliance Team at their provider. 

New students

As a new student you are required to upload a photograph of yourself using the e@pplicant page.
The photo is required for your University card which will be issued to new students at your college. Failure to provide a photo will delay the production of your University card.
A photo is not required if you already have a University card i.e. because you were recently a student with us on another course.Please contact you have previously been a student at the University but are no longer in possession of your card as we will need to amend your record before you can upload a new photo.
Your University card will remain valid for the duration of your current studies at the University.

What you'll need to complete online enrolment:

  • Access to a computer with Microsoft Internet Explorer v8 (or above). We cannot guarantee compatibility with any other browser, but it has been tested with Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers.
  • Please do not attempt to complete OLE on a phone, tablet or any mobile device either IoS or Android.
  • New students – your University student reference number (your centre tutor will have this information for you).
  • Returning students – successful completion of your current course year or you have been informed you can repeat your year of study.
If you do not meet any of the above requirements please refer to the section headed 'problems'.
Logging on – new students
New students and students who are transferring into a completely new course.
  1. Log on to the applicant portal or enter the following website address into your browser –
  2. Enter your University of Plymouth student reference number (your centre tutor or administrator will have this information for you).
  3. Enter your date of birth.
  4. Enter your surname.
  5. If you have successfully connected a menu page will be displayed.
  6. Select the 'complete my on-line enrolment' to start.
Logging on – returning students
Access for continuing students is via the University student portal homepage. If you have any problems please check the accuracy of the data you are entering.
  1. Log on to the student portal or enter the following address into your browser:
  2. Enter your computing account user name and password.
  3. If your details are correct you will see your student portal homepage.
  4. Select the online enrolment for returning students option.
  5. Enter your computing account name and password again.
  6. You will then see the e@dmin authentication page. Enter your date of birth and/or middle name if applicable. Click the proceed button to continue. 
  7. You will then see your e@dmin homepage.
  8. Select the 'complete my on-line enrolment' to start.

Working through the screens

Once you have acknowledged the contents of the student handbook on the introduction page, you will see your online enrolment menu.
This page lists all of the sections you must visit in order to complete the process. As you complete each one the ‘status’ on the right hand side will change from ‘incomplete’ to ‘complete’. To get to any of the sections just click on the underlined title. You do not have to complete in any particular order, but it is set out in what we hope is a logical sequence.
  • As you go through the sections you will need to check and confirm that what is shown is correct.
  • If there are any blanks in ‘compulsory fields’ (marked with an ‘i’), you will need to enter the required information before you can complete the section.
  • Click on the ‘?’ symbol next to a field for information particular to that field, or click on the ‘?’ above the form for help on an entire section.
  • At the bottom of each section enter a tick in the confirmation box then click on ‘save’.

Important reminder:

Payment of tuition fees (section six) – you will need to tick the 'no fees payable' box. In the ‘reason’ box type ‘Partner College’.

Computing account registration

If you are a new student you must activate your computing account in section seven. Once you have completed this section make sure you record your username and password in a safe place as you will need these details to access the University computers and your computing account, student portal etc. Note: your password is case sensitive and you can change it once you have logged on to your account. 
Returning students will be required to reset the password in section seven every year when you re-enrol. This can be done at

Completion of enrolment

If you need to go back you can click on the ‘cancel’ button to cancel any changes and return to the list of sections, or click on the ‘undo’ button and start the section again.
Once you have entered all the required information for a section its status will change to ‘complete’.
Once you have completed all of the sections required (see the list of sections, which should all say ‘complete’) and are happy that all your enrolment information is correct you should click the ‘complete enrolment’ button.
Please note that once you have done this you can no longer change your enrolment information. 
An email will automatically be sent to your computing account which will:
  • confirm that you have completed online enrolment
  • confirm the method of payment you selected for paying your tuition fees
  • confirm whether the automated confirmation of your enrolment to the Student Loans Company was successful or not (home students only) – see separate sheet for information on student loan payments.

Problems – new students

Please contact your local administration team if you have any problems in the first instance. If they are unable to resolve the issue please contact us via our enrolment specific email:

Problems – returning students

If you have forgotten your computing account password
You can reset your password by visiting Please note that you will have to reset it again when you complete section seven of registration.
If you have not successfully completed your year
If you have been referred in any modules, or a decision on your progression has been deferred, you will be able to online enrol once the relevant referred award board confirms your progression to the next academic year. The registration facility will be available from Wednesday 12 September 2018 providing you have been allowed to continue.

Plymouth Institute of Education Partner College registration frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where do I start? I don’t know what to do or how to answer the questions.
The instructions for online enrolment will guide you through the entire process. Please read these before attempting to complete your enrolment. On-line enrolment (OLE) opens for returning and new students in August.
I have just confirmed my place to start in September/October, when can I online enrol?
Online enrolment opens for new students via the applicant portalin August. Please wait for your centre tutor or administration team to provide you with your University of Plymouth student reference number before attempting to register.
I am returning to a further year of my PGCE however the registration screen indicates I am registering for Stage 1 (nnnn/1). I think I should be on Stage 2. Which is correct?
Stage of study is different to year of study. Stage refers to the level at which you are studying. You are continuing to study at PGCE level so this is why your stage has not incremented.
I am a new student and haven’t yet uploaded my photo for the University card. How do I do this?
To apply for your University card you must upload a photograph of yourself. There is a section for this in the OLE process but if you don’t have a photo available you can upload one later using the e@pplicant page. Please complete this as soon as possible to avoid delays in the production of your University card.
I think I have made an error in completing section six with regards to student funding. What should I do?
You should have ticked the no fees payable box and entered the reason type ‘Partner College’. If you have not done this please contact our Student Accounts Team via their generic email:
Why can’t I give my own mobile number in the emergency contact information?
The need for an emergency contact is rare, but if there is a serious problem and we need to make contact with the person you have nominated as your emergency contact, we need their number and not your own.
I’ve forgotten my password; can I set myself a new one?
Yes, you can by going to the password change utility. You will need your student reference number to access this and you will be asked to enter your username, date of birth and to confirm security questions you have set previously.
I will be moving address in the next few weeks but don’t have the details of my new address. Can I update my personal details later?
Yes, you can complete OLE now using your current address and update your contact details at any time on the student portal by selecting the personal details menu on the My Edesk tab.
I was on a year zero foundation degree at the University of Plymouth last year, but don’t seem to be able to online enrol through the student portal?
You need to enrol through the applicant portal. OLE will open in August.
I was on a foundation degree last year, but don’t seem to be able to online enrol through the student portal?
You need to enrol through the applicant portal. OLE will open in August.
I was on a different course last year, but don’t seem to be able to online enrol through the student portal?
You need to enrol through the applicant portal. OLE will open in August.
Who do I contact if I have a query that has not been answered by the FAQs or guidance notes?
If your centre tutor or administration team are unable to answer your query, then please email: This generic email is the quickest route for enrolment queries to be answered or escalated.

Contacting us

We look forward to helping you with any queries you may have. Each programme has a dedicated Programme Administrator who you may get to know during your studies; however, please direct all emails to our generic inbox so your query can be dealt with as quickly as possible.