Press office news tagged
Robots tune up for unique BBC performance
Plymouth University News: Plymouth University’s robots will be bidding to wow audiences with their musical skills after being invited to take part in a major event on the BBC
From medicine to music - world-class research across the board at the University of Plymouth
University of Plymouth news: Nearly two-thirds of the University of Plymouth research was graded as at least internationally recognised by the 2014 REF.
Plymouth recognised for world-leading clinical medicine research
Plymouth University news: The Research Excellence Framework has identified around 80 per cent of clinical medicine research at Plymouth University to be world-leading or of international quality, with outputs topping the UK league table
University commissions video to help visualise carbon footprint and Sustainability Report
Plymouth University news:
Minute plastic fibres found in abundance in the deep seas
Plymouth University News: Around four billion minute fibres could be littering each square kilometre of some of the world’s deep seas, according to a study led by Plymouth University and the Natural History Museum.
Teenager backs Brain Tumour Research Christmas appeal
Plymouth University news: Plymouth teenager Jasmine Bayly, who has a brain tumour, is backing the Plymouth University Brain Tumour Research Christmas appeal
Partnership picks up more than three prizes
Plymouth University news: Award winning Plymouth University based Rail Partnership celebrates awards
Double success for sustainable design graduate
Plymouth University News: A Plymouth University graduate has earned national acclaim for the quality of work assessing the actual and potential impacts of two construction projects in the South West
£1.2 million capital investment in science education at Plymouth University
Plymouth University news: HEFCE has awarded capital funding of £1.2 million to Plymouth University to develop STEM facilities in health and medical research
Plymouth University outperforms on access to medical school
Plymouth University news: The Medical Schools Council has published a report "Selecting for Excellence" focusing on selection methods adopted by medical schools and what they do to encourage widening participation - in light of which Plymouth outperforms
Plymouth University welcomes its first Crowdfunder in Residence
Plymouth University news: Students, staff and the wider community are set to benefit from an in-house business entrepreneur
Dual student initiatives to support business creation
Plymouth University News: Two student programmes which aim to inspire and nurture the business leaders of the future have been launched by Plymouth University