Victoria Pérez Sánchez
Victoria tells us about her Traineeship with Global Opportunities

Name: Victoria Pérez Sánchez
Home institution: ESIC Business and Marketing School, Spain
Subject: Commercial Management, Marketing and Digital Business
"Undoubtedly I would recommend this traineeship to anyone who wants to have an amazing experience and change their routine."
To be honest, when I decided to come here I didn’t know what to expect, I never imaged it would be so cosy. Once I arrived at the University I felt warm welcomed (in spite of the rain), they received me with a big smile and a lovely character. The University of Plymouth team really took care of me and offered to help me when I needed it, teaching me the English culture and how to adapt to this city, recommending me places to visit and making me feel comfortable when I was missing my home."
In my first day of work I was terrified but after I met my workmates everything changed. In a week I felt like I was at home, I cannot express with words how lucky I have been to be in this team. If it wasn't for Plymouth, I don't know what my experience here would have been like."
"During my traineeship I did different types of work and I noticed that I improved my technical and social skills. Moreover, I learnt about how to manage and validate the database, how to do marketing research and so on. However, the key point is I learnt how to work effectively and productively in a team. Knowing the English culture and specifically Plymouth has enriched me as a student but mainly as a person.
My only advice would be do not think twice about coming to Plymouth, you won't regret it! If you want to have an eye-opening experience Plymouth is the best place to be, you can find what you are looking for and enhance your skills.
The University of Plymouth is a solid university with an international trajectory and without a doubt it has left an imprint on my career. Once I have finished my degree I’m pretty sure I will come back! This is an amazing university with lovely people willing to help you anytime."

"I have had the opportunity to get to know Plymouth’s landscapes, its people and its gastronomy which is closely linked to the ocean environment. I live near the Mediterranean Sea in Valencia, and although Plymouth is also a city on the edge of the ocean it’s diametrically different. I just find it fascinating.
My favourite place to eat was the Barbican. My two favourite foods were the traditional fish and chips or the huge Cap’n Jaspers burger. But if I had to select only one place I liked the best in Plymouth I would choose the Hoe. It seems like it's taken from a picture, with its idyllic sunshine you can lay there and lose track of time.
Plymouth has really good transport connection to the rest of the country. I had the chance to discover lots of places in England such as London, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter and St Ives."