Summer School: Robotic Art
Exploring the intersections between creative practice and computer vision

Between 3-17 August 2019, the Art, Design and Architecture Summer School delivered a series of workshops and hands-on teaching experiences across a range of courses, including product design, digital media design and ceramics.
Our team delivered the only two-day workshop organised in partnership with the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, with the aim of exploring the intersections between creative practice and robotics. With the support of our research team, near 30 students from a range of partner institutions in China developed bespoke end effectors and interacted with a painting/drawing robotic application utilising our 3D printing and robotic resources.
In February 2019, our research team at the Creative Robotics Laboratory won an EPSON competition and became the only UK University to partner with EPSON Robotics Europe in order to explore the intersections across computing, manufacturing, and the creative sector.
Currently our work with EPSON VT6 robotic arms is supported by an Automation Fellowship of the South West Creative Technology Network, and comprises a series of R&D studies including 3D printing, computer vision and operating systems research.