Employer Advisory Panel
All Schools should have an Employer Advisory Panel (see
Guidance on terms of reference for Employer Advisory Panels ). Through this Panel, employers can input into the design, approval and review of programmes in order that they are informed, relevant and aligned to industry requirements. Employer Advisory Panels can also help ensure that the variety of employer engagement activities, such as placements, are joined up and they contribute to the maintenance of good employer relations. Mechanical and Civil Engineering regularly use the expertise of an
Industrial Advisory Committee.
Acting as mentors
Students can be connected with an employee in a long-term relationship in order that they can benefit from their knowledge. The mentor can help develop, coach and encourage the student. This can be done face to face, by Skype, through e-mentoring etc. Mentoring can help students understand better the skills and experience they are developing, and more importantly, why. It gives them direct feedback which can be powerful and will help build their confidence. Alumni are typically keen to act as mentors due to their close connection to a programme and its students.
Hosting workplace visits
Students can be introduced to workplace environments by organising workplace visits. For example, students studying geology might go and visit a quarry. This gives the students a real and contextual feel for some of the material they have been studying in class and a chance to interact with an employer and ask questions. To get the most out of workplace visits they should not be designed as bolt on, but should clearly link to learning outcomes, subject content and assessment.
An excellent example of making the most of a workplace visit is provided by the
Employer Insights initiative at Kingston University in which groups of students on a Marketing programme visited a practitioner in the workplace to
film a short interview. They used a pre-agreed discussion guide, to focus the conversation on current developments in that field. They also asked for advice on securing a job in marketing communications. The films were then shown to the rest of the class to stimulate discussion and debate.