News tagged with: marine-litter
Is there a real risk from nanoparticles of plastic in the environment?
Plymouth University news: Plymouth and Heriot-Watt launch a £1.1 million, NERC-funded project called RealRiskNano to examine the risks tiny plastic particles pose to the food web including filter-feeding organisms like mussels.
Academics participate in Global Wave Conference
Plymouth University news: Academics from Plymouth University have taken part in the international Global Wave Conference promoting efforts to protect our oceans, beaches and marine wildlife
Millions of plastic particles found in cosmetic products
University of Plymouth news: Everyday cosmetic and cleaning products contain huge quantities of plastic particles, which are released to the environment and could be harmful to marine life, according to a new study by the University of Plymouth
Discussing marine litter by Royal appointment
Plymouth University news: Academics from Plymouth University were among those meeting the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall during an event to raise awareness of the problem of marine litter
Marine litter undermines benefits of coastal environments
Plymouth University news: Scientists at Plymouth University have published a study which shows marine litter has the potential to undermine the psychological benefits of coastal environments
New study shows how discarded plastic bags are smothering marine life
Plymouth University news: A joint research study with Trinity College Dublin has show than plastic bags are impacting the development of microalgae, a key component of the marine ecosystem.
New study reveals the global impact of debris on marine life
The University of Plymouth news: A study by two researchers in the Marine Institute has found that 693 species have been affected by marine debris through entanglement, ingestion and other harmful effects.
Marine litter education boosts understanding and actions
Plymouth University news: A study by Plymouth University finds children could play an important role in solutions to reduce marine litter with some already helping to educate parents and peers about the scale of the issue.
Minute plastic fibres found in abundance in the deep seas
Plymouth University News: Around four billion minute fibres could be littering each square kilometre of some of the world’s deep seas, according to a study led by Plymouth University and the Natural History Museum.
Public encouraged to help protect seas and shores from pollution
Plymouth University news: Public encouraged to help protect seas and shores from pollution
Leading scientists express concern over micro plastics in the ocean
Plymouth University news: Microplastics are becoming an increased concern because of their widespread presence in the oceans and the potential physical risks they pose to organisms.