Key features

Are you a registered health and social care professional with experience of supporting and assessing learners in clinical practice? Do you want to consolidate your skills and gain academic accreditation for your role? Our distance learning module will enable you to study towards your goals at a time and place that suits you.
This module can be studied at degree or masters level, as a standalone or counted towards some of our professional development qualifications.
  • Access to contemporary web-based learning.
  • Support and guidance from a dedicated tutor.
  • Option to link with other students via an online learning community.
Module code

HEAE309 / APP782



FHEQ level

HEAE309 Level 6 – bachelors degree

APP782 Level 7 – masters degree


Blended learning

Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Practice

HEAE309 (degree level)

At the end of this module you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate the ability to select and apply from a wide range of teaching and learning theory and methodological approaches to delivering education in practice.
  • Consider the application of emerging teaching, learning and assessment methods to enhance curriculum design, delivery and evaluation.
  • Outline and evaluate factors that affect provision in relation to educational practice, taking account of professional and ethical boundaries.
  • Provide evidence of personal and professional development through engagement, and reflection on and in practice.
  • Demonstrate ability to develop and appraise teaching, learning and assessment strategy within your practice setting and organisational level.
The assessment for this module is a 2,500 word critical reflection and evaluation of your performance in supporting workforce learning and assessing.

Advanced Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Practice

APP782 (masters level)

At the end of this module you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate the ability to select and critically appraise and apply from a wide range of teaching and learning theory and methodological approaches to delivering education in practice.
  • Critically consider the application of emerging teaching, learning and assessment methods to enhance curriculum design, delivery and evaluation.
  • Synthesise and critically evaluate factors that affect provision in relation to educational practice, taking account of professional and ethical boundaries.
  • Provide evidence of dynamic personal and professional development through engagement, and critical reflection on and in practice.
  • Demonstrate ability to develop critique and appraise teaching, learning and assessment strategy within your practice setting and organisational level.
The assessment for this module is a 3,000 word critical reflection and evaluation of your performance in supporting workforce learning and assessing.

Admissions information

Additional information and documentation required for the application process.
  • Application forms.
  • Change of name forms.
  • Pre-course information.
  • Downloadable guides.
  • Student card.

Our students say...

Module dates

26 February, 5, 12, 19, 26 March, 23 April and 7, 14 May 2025

Entry requirements

To be eligible for these modules you must have:
  • experience of supporting and supervising learners in the clinical environment
  • previously studied to graduate level to undertake the module at masters level.
Each student will be considered and advised individually (where required) by the programme team and Professional Development Unit (PDU). Please contact the programme lead or PDU if you have any queries regarding your situation.
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