Pregnant lady touching her stomach and holding hands with person out of shot

What is the aim of the NOURISH study?

  • The aim of this project is to assess the nutritional intake and wellbeing of women experiencing severe pregnancy sickness and their pregnancy outcomes. 

  • We are also interested in learning more about those who do not experience any pregnancy sickness (or very mild sickness), so that we have a comparison group.


Taking part

  • We would love to hear from you if you are <11 weeks pregnant, or between 16-21 weeks pregnant, over 18 years old and living in the UK.
  • If you have any friends or family who meet the above criteria and would like to take part, please let them know about the study.

How will the study work?

  • Pregnant women experiencing severe sickness will be recruited via the Pregnancy Sickness Support charity, alongside a group of pregnant women with mild or absent sickness, recruited by social media or word of mouth.
  • We will email you an online questionnaire and a link to an electronic food diary app to record your dietary intake on three occasions during pregnancy.
  • A final brief questionnaire will be emailed to you approximately two weeks after birth.

Where do I find out more?

Complete our form if you are interested in taking part or you could contact us by email: or follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Discover more

Listen to the BBC Radio Devon interview with Kate Maslin and Caitlin Dean, explaining about the NOURISH study in more detail and the importance of hyperemesis gravidarum research

Our research team