Through the Entrepreneurial Futures project's net zero strand, the University is collaborating with enterprises in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly on low-carbon projects.
Our support includes the opportunity to partner with a business research fellow to carry out research that is informed by business needs around one of the following topics:
- living wall systems
- cob as a sustainable building material
- nature-based solutions for carbon offsetting.
In addition to research support, we have funded internship placing students or recent graduates within enterprises in Cornwall to work on projects that will ultimately reduce carbon emissions.
Current students and recent graduates of the University of Plymouth are interning with businesses across Cornwall to work on a low-carbon project through the Entrepreneurial Futures Net Zero Internship and Leadership Programme.
Research opportunities
Interested in collaborating with us on one of the research themes below? Complete an expression of interest form and we'll be in touch.
Built Environment: Living Walls
Exploring new advances and climate change variables in nature-based living wall systems.
Built Environment: CobBauge
Investigating the performance of cob as a construction material through dynamic thermal modelling to predict climate and commercial viability.
Carbon offsetting: Nature-based solutions
Mapping nature-based terrestrial carbon offsets, focusing on land of marginal agricultural profitability.
Centre for Decarbonisation and Offshore Renewable Energy
At Plymouth, we have a strong and award-winning strategy for sustainability. Through a holistic, systems-thinking approach, the University is committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions target by 2025.
Net-Zero Exchange
Supporting the race to net zero.
A network of researchers and enterprises exploring a whole-systems approach to net zero carbon emissions.
Net zero explained
Professor Ian Bailey shines a light on the importance of climate change acts and asks how we reconcile the time frames over which climate policy needs to be developed with short-term political pressures – a challenging task that both present and future governments will need to address when trying to introduce policies to achieve net zero emissions.
Research at the
Centre for Decarbonisation and Offshore Renewable Energy aims to make climate solutions more affordable, more technologically feasible and less politically contentious.
Entrepreneurial Futures: Net-Zero Team
Dr Paul Hardman
Manager of the Sustainable Earth Institute/Director – NetZero Exchange
Claire Pearce
Business Development and Partnership Manager - Net-Zero Exchange
Dr Sue Langford
Internship Manager and Sustainable Leadership Facilitator
Halat Alnaqshabandy
Business Research Fellow - Built Environment
Jack Morewood
Business Research Fellow - Built Environment
Tracey Anne Najafpour Navaei
Applied Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Nature Based Carbon Offsetting
Dr Paul Warwick
Associate Professor
Dr Hanne Knight
Lecturer in Marketing
Professor Steve Goodhew
Professor of Environmental Building and Discipline Leader
Dr Joao Alencastro
Lecturer in Built Environment
Dr Paul Lunt
Associate Professor in Environmental Science
Dr Scott Davidson
Lecturer in Ecosystem Resilience
Mr Saul Whitford
Knowledge Exchange and Impact Officer (Net-Zero Exchange)
Amber Woods
Engagement & Communications Officer (Student Record System Programme)
Dr Thomas Murphy
Lecturer in Environmental Sciences
Nurturing, embedding and accelerating an entrepreneurial culture in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Find out more about the
Entrepreneurial Futures project.