Press office news tagged school-of-biological-and-marine-sciences
Marine light pollution science initiative endorsed by United Nations
University of Plymouth news: The GOALANN international initiative, which aims to provide the science needed to better manage global light emissions into the ocean, has been endorsed by the United Nations as one of its new Ocean Decade Actions.
Workshop aims to celebrate and inspire female researchers
University of Plymouth news: The first-of-its-kind inclusive researcher workshop, coordinated by the University and Elsevier, sought to raise awareness of some of the barriers facing female researchers.
A Sustainable Development Goal for space?
University of Plymouth news: An international team of scientists, led by the University, calls for the creation of an 18th addition to the United Nations goals which would aim to mitigate against the accumulation of space junk in Earth’s orbit
Mediterranean sharks continue to decline despite conservation progress
University of Plymouth news: New research by the University has found more than 200 measures in place to protect sharks and rays across the 22 coastal states of the Mediterranean region
Blinded by the light: the effects of urban lighting on beach bugs
University of Plymouth news: A group of international scientists has developed a new method for examining the effects of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on two sandy beach crustacean species
Autonomous imaging robot plays a crucial role in assessing embryos’ response to environmental change
University of Plymouth news: The opensource LabEmbryoCam uses 3D-printed components to form a robotic microscope and is the result of over a decade of research at the University
Researcher awarded place on prestigious Alan Turing Institute enrichment scheme
University of Plymouth news: Matthew Faith is using the opportunity to expand his work looking at changes among plankton communities in the Atlantic
Ambitious study to explore effects of offshore wind farms on ocean life
University of Plymouth news: The FRONTLINE project will use autonomous underwater vehicles, satellite remote sensing and other surveys to investigate how the rapid expansion of floating offshore wind energy is likely to affect marine life.
Project explores possibilities for UK wetsuit recycling
University of Plymouth news: Funded by Future Fibres Network Plus, the University will work with Circular Flow Ltd to examine the scope for developing a UK neoprene recycling facility
Scientists embark on first study of Antarctica’s underwater avalanches
University of Plymouth news: The Antarctic Canyon Experiment (ACE) is a five-year £2.4m project being led by the University and an international consortium of partners.
Project aims to benefit net zero targets, soil health, biodiversity and agriculture
University of Plymouth news: Researchers from the University are part of the £4million OpenLAND initiative, which aims to put the UK on a path to deliver net zero emissions by 2050
University joins delegates at final round of Global Plastics Treaty negotiations
University of Plymouth news: Plymouth-based researchers are meeting with world leaders and scientists at INC-5 in South Korea.