Teaching -  postgraduate module injection therapy

These guidance notes were developed by Educational Development to help academic staff design modules and programmes which are well-structured and intellectually stimulating for students. The appendices include key documents such as the Module Record (MR) template and the Module Evaluation template. 

Curriculum Design: Curriculum design guidelines updated September 2017
Module Leaders are responsible for all aspects of leading and delivery of the design, teaching, assessment, quality, updating, enhancement and student experience of the module. The Faculty of Business has produced a Module Leaders Handbook for guidance.
Programme and module information on the Digital Learning Environment (DLE):
September 2018 agreed guidance for the minimum requirements on the DLE for each module.
TLQC 16 November 2015 agreed guidance for the minimum requirements on the DLE for each programme.
The University of Plymouth holds a licence as a Student visa (formerly Tier 4) Sponsor to be able to recruit, enrol and teach International Students, particularly students on Student (Tier 4) visas. In order to maintain our licence we are expected to have the highest levels of compliance with the Home Office (UKVI) policy guidance for Tier 4 sponsors . The programme development checklist describes the key areas to consider when developing a programme, if the intention is to recruit International students to that programme.
Designing Learning and Assessment in a Digital Age A JISC Guide