The application process for work experience is open from September 2023.
Visiting students will be able to take part in both practical hands on workshops as well as project work, workshops, mock interviews and presentations. In previous years students have been offered the below activities:
- application and interview presentations
- introduction to Simulated Dental Learning Environment (SDLE). Clinical sessions involving the creation of alginate impressions, fillings and rubber dams
- enquiry based learning (EBL) workshops including presentation preparation
- mock interviews
- staff presentations
- campus tour and quiz
- project work
- question and answer sessions.
Where and when?
The work experience programme for dentistry usually takes place on the main University of Plymouth campus. With sessions running for four days (weekdays), 10:00am until 3:00pm.
Take a virtual tour of our campus
We advise that you apply as soon as possible as spaces are limited.
"The practical activities were extremely interesting, they were a good insight into what you would do as a dental professional. I feel I have gained a greater insight into dentistry and life as a dental student. The information given was quite different to a typical webinar, and I think I have a greater understanding of the roles that dentists play."
Biomedical science
Visiting students will be able to take part in both practical hands on workshops as well as tours, group work and presentations. In previous years students have been offered the below activities:
- application and interview guidance
- group work projects and presentations
- lab tours
- measuring energy expenditure using open circuit spirometry workshop
- Clinical Physiology: cold face immersion and ECG workshop
- peak flow, heart rate variability, and finger blood flow plethysmography application workshop
- lab work on microscopy of blood films
- nutrition lab workshop.
Where and when?
The work experience programme for biomedical science usually takes place on the main University of Plymouth campus. Some sessions may take place at our Derriford campus but transportation is included in the programme. Sessions run for three days (weekdays), 10:00am until 4:00pm.
Take a virtual tour of our campus
We advise that you apply as possible as spaces are limited.
"I really enjoyed the programme and the different lecturers who came to talk were very interesting and interactive with students. After the virtual work experience I would say that I am thinking of having a career in Biomedical Sciences. That is because of the way the virtual experience was run by the different lecturers making you feel that you are going to gain a lot by doing a biomedical science degree at university."
Visiting students will be able to take part in both practical hands on workshops as well as talks, mock interviews and group discussions. In previous years students have been offered the below activities:
- introduction to problem based learning (PBL)
- anatomy sessions using the 3D virtual dissection anatomage table.
- admissions talks
- UCAT talks
- cranial nerves examination: demonstration on how to examine each one systematically
- overview of Clinical Skills Resource Centre (CSRC): Venepuncture, blood glucose measurements, pregnant abdomen, airways management (intubation), basic life support and blood pressure taking
- demonstration of the A-E assessments of patients, and management of in-hospital emergencies. Simsuite practice, applying A-E assessment knowledge as an in-hospital team
- mock MMI interviews.
Where and when?
The work experience programme for medicine is usually split between the main University of Plymouth campus and John Bull Building at Derriford. Work experience sessions usually run from Monday – Friday, 10:00am until 3:00pm.
Take a virtual tour of our campus
We advise that you apply as soon as possible as spaces are limited.
"Thank you so much, before this Daisy had mentioned being a doctor, but her confidence got in the way and she thought she couldn’t do it! After a week with you guys she is now very enthusiastic about being a doctor and I have noticed a difference in her overall confidence. The Student Ambassadors and the interviews gave her an insight into the kinds of questions she may be asked, so all weekend she has been planning answers! Please pass on my thanks to the amazing Student Ambassadors for instilling so much confidence and self-belief into Daisy”
I doubted I would get in to medical school, but a taster week gave me confidence.