Courtroom with 'Justice' carved in masonry - image courtesy of Shutterstock (115797652)
Established by the Plymouth Law Society and hosted by the University of Plymouth and Plymouth City Council, the lecture has become a celebrated annual event in the legal profession calendar, attracting current and past Lord Chancellors, Lord Justices of Appeal and Lords of Appeal.
Registration is now open for The Mayflower 400 Lecture, the 29th in a series of lectures that began with the Pilgrim Fathers Lecture which was delivered by Lord Bingham in 1994.
Date: Thursday 28 November 2024 | 18:00–20:30
This year's speaker is The Right Honourable the Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill, Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales who is the latest in a long list of distinguished members of the legal profession to present the lecture.
The Right Honourable the Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill, Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales
The Right Honourable the Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill, Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales