SECURE (H2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie ETN)
The SECURE European Training Network aims to train a new generation of researchers on safe cognitive robot concepts for human work and living spaces on the most advanced humanoid robot platforms available in Europe.
The fellows will be trained through an innovative concept of project- based learning and constructivist learning in supervised peer networks where they will gain experience from an intersectoral programme involving universities, research institutes, large and SME companies from public and private sectors.
University of Plymouth participates with two ESR, one on neuroscience experiments on affiordance (supervised by Jeremy Goslin) and one on robot model of verbal and non-verbal communication (supervised by Angelo Cangelosi).
DCOMM (H2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie ETN)
This European Training Network will train the next generation of scientists in the full range of multidisciplinary and cross-sectorial methods necessary to make significant progress in understanding deictic communication, with direct synergies between basic research and application.
Training is structured around two interdisciplinary research themes – Understanding Deictic Communication and Deictic Communication in Application – both involving extensive and systematic co-supervision and collaboration across sites with a key interplay between academic and non-academic beneficiaries and partners.
The University of Plymouth is a beneficiary with two ESR working on developmental robotics experiment on language and gesture communication.
DOROTHY (H2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie IF)
The DOROTHY project is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship funding Dr Séverin Lemaignan. DOROTHY (Donating Robots a Theory of Mind) studies meta-cognition in social robotics and uses an interdisciplinary approach to comprehend and formalize higher-order artificial cognition.
The aim of which is to advance the design and practical implementation of socially interactive robots, aiming for 'cognition beyond problem solving'.
DREAM (H2020)
The DREAM project 'Development of Robot-Enhanced therapy for children with AutisM spectrum disorders' (ref. FP7-ICT-600915). Integrated Project under the 7th framework programme of the European Union. A four-and-a-half-year project, starting 1 February 2014.
A total budget of 8.6 million euros, with 1.23 million euros for Plymouth. Belpaeme is Principal Investigator at Plymouth.
Other partners are Hogskolan I Skovde (Tom Ziemke, Project Coordinator), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universitatea Babes Bolyai, University of Portsmouth, De Montfort University and Aldebaran Robotics.
VALUE: Vision, action, language unified by embodiment is an EPSRC funded project (£809,132, of which Plymouth receives £507,722, 2008-2011) between the University of Dundee and Plymouth.
Brain-inspired neuronal model of attention and memory, EPSRC, £149,656, led by Roman Borisyuk.
ORATOR (FP7 Marie Curie IEF)
ORATOR: Integrating object recognition and ActiOn for action sentence production and comprehension in a developmental humanoid robot
The main aim of this research project is twofold. First, we want to contribute to the knowledge of interaction (cross-talk) between (action) language and motor structures and suggest a possible developmental mechanism.
On the other hand, we want to endow a robot with the ability to comprehend simple sentences composed by a verb and a noun.
POETICON++ (FP7 Challenge 2)
Poeticon++: Robots need language, is a new project on the computational mechanisms for generalisation and generation of new behaviours in robots. This is the follow-up of the successful Poeticon project.
The Plymouth team consists of A. Cangelosi, T. Morse and M. Peniak. The project is coordinated by Katerina Pastra (Cognitive Science Institute, Athens), and with other partners as Y. Aloimonos (U. Maryland., USA), L. Fadiga and G. Metta (IIT, Italy), and J. Santos-Victor (IST, Portugal).
ALIZ-E (FP7 Challenge 2)
ALIZ-E: Adaptive strategies for sustainable long-term social interaction. Integrated project under the 7th framework programme of the European Union.
Tony Belpaeme and Angelo Cangelosi coordinate the €8.3 million four and a half-year project, of which the CRNS receives €1.4 million. The ALIZ-E consortium consists of seven academic partners (Plymouth as coordinator, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, Imperial College, University of Hertfordshire, National Research Council Padova), one hospital (San Raffaele del Monte Tabor, Italy) and one SME (Gostai, Paris). ALIZ-E runs from 2010 to 2014.
ROBOT-ERA (FP7 Challenge 5)
The project ROBOT-ERA: Advanced robotic systems and intelligent environments for the ageing population will start in October 2011. Cangelosi and Belpaeme, in the Plymouth team, will be working on human-robot-interaction interfaces and on action/language integration research.
The project is coordinated by Paolo Dario (SSSA Italy), and with other partners such as A. Saffiotti (Orebro U., Sweden), Zhang (Hamburg U., Germany), four industrial partners (Italy, Germany), three user partners (Italy, Sweden).
ROBOTDOC (FP7 Marie Curie ITN)
ROBOTDOC project is a Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) led by the University of Plymouth. ROBOTDOC unites top European universities to jointly train early career researchers to study the development of cognition in robotics.
Partners include the University of Zurich, the Italian Institute of Technology, the University of Skovde (SE), the University of Bielefeld (D), the University of Sunderland, Uppsala University, Yale University (USA), RIKEN (Japan) and companies Telerobot and Honda. ROBOTDOC runs from 2009 to 2012 and receives €3.3 million in funding.
BABEL: Bio-inspired architecture for brain embodied language is a new EPSRC project on the computational neuroscience modelling of language and action learning in the humanoid robot iCub, and its implementation in the neuromorphic systems SpiNNAker.
Angelo Cangelosi is the PI and project coordinator, also responsible for neuro-robotics research tasks. Thomas Wennekers and Sue Denham are co-investigators in Plymouth for computational neural networks modelling.
Steve Furber and David Lester lead neuromorphic research at Manchester University, and Friedmann Pulvermueller (Free University Berlin) responsible for brain imaging studies and computational modelling. Industry advisors include representatives from ARM, HONDA HRI and TMSUK Japan. The project is also co-funded by the BBSRC.
A neural network generating flexible locomotor behaviour in a simple vertebrate: studies on function and embryonic self-assembly, EPSRC funded (project total £1,000,000, Plymouth receiving £344,900, 2009-2012).
COGNOVO is an Innovative Doctoral Programme, funded by the EU Marie Curie initiative and the University of Plymouth, to foster research training in the emerging field of Cognitive Innovation.
CogNovo offers transdisciplinary training that combines scientific studies of the neural correlates and mechanisms of creativity, with investigations into the role of creativity in human cognition, and their application in sustainable technological and social innovation.
The CogNovo consortium includes academics and experts from 24 international partner Institutions. The ITN is led by Professor Sue Denham.
DeCoRo (FP7 Marie Curie EF)
The DeCoRo research project explores real-time developmental learning in a humanoid robot on practical real-world manipulation tasks. Such learning may help robotic systems move towards fulfilling their promise for improving lives and living.
This Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship project is carried out by Dr Martin F. Stoelen, under the supervision of Professor Angelo Cangelosi.