Dr Jonathan Moizer
Members of the recently formed iSPER Modelling and Simulation for Social Science Research Initiative held their inaugural event in Plymouth University in July 2017. 
Research Initiative Lead, Jonathan Moizer (pictured above) introduced the event and outlined the key research activities the initiative is planning to undertake as well as its aspirations for the future. The membership - comprising researchers at different stages of their research careers, from doctoral students through to full professors - were in full agreement on the aspiration to engage in, involve others in and disseminate good simulation and modelling practice.
Central to the event were the four members of the research initiative who presented their simulation and modelling work to colleagues. Details on each of the speakers and their presentations are below.
Firstly, Anabela Soares, Lecturer in Strategy and Operations Management, presented on Gamification: What is it? and why should we use it? In the presentation Anabela highlighted the potential benefits and applications of gamification particularly in relation to education. 
Anabela Soares
Dr Jonathan Lean
Thirdly, Neil Smith, Doctoral Teaching Assistant in Economics, presented on Post Keynesian Stock-Flow Consistent (PK-SFC) Macroeconomics for System Dynamicists. Neil compared and contrasted PK-SFC with System Dynamics modelling and outlined some of the benefits and shortcomings of both types of modelling. 
Neil Smith
David Carter
Finally, David Carter, Associate Lecturer and PhD student, presented under the title Can Competing for Urban School Places Influence Referrals to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services? David described how gamification could be used to aid family debate and offer knowledge when choosing schools.