Primary Care DESTRESS Getty541975802, credit:g-stockstudio, Close-up on discussion.
Following the success of the November 2017 Primary Care Conference, we are pleased to make available conference information, presentations and experts in key areas that you may find useful. For abstracts, invited speaker biographies, presentation slides and media clips, please choose from the relevant Topic Area below. If you wish to use any of these resources in a professional capacity please either contact the relevant speaker directly or via
We would like to thank everyone for providing a forum for thought provoking discussions through keynote speeches, interactive panels and networking sessions. Your contribution was greatly appreciated and we look forward to building new links and continued engagement with you all.
Watch Richard Byng's opening address.

Download the conference programme.

The Primary Care Conference was a regional event supporting patients, practitioners, localities and system leaders. It looked at the overarching theme that across the UK many general practices and other community-based teams are struggling to maintain the workforce required to deliver basic routine care. It addressed the fact that in the meantime, government policy is promoting a central role for primary care in ‘new models of care’, which addresses the needs of older people with frailty and others with complex needs. The conference acknowledged that these models require clinicians to work together differently, while continuing to provide compassionate care. It explored the need for experienced practitioners to become involved in this exciting challenge, and the requirement to ensure capacity for routine appointments. The conference looked at the concept of looking after current workers, whilst developing an additional flexible workforce.

The two day conference in November 2017 provided a space which brought patients, practitioners, managers, educators and researchers together. It made progress on developing new models of community and primary care, through sharing local and international evidence about what works. The conference focused on two core and intertwined elements: the primary care workforce and person-centred coordinated care (P3C). 

Day 1

Deepened our understanding of the complex issues underlying these new models. It examined the practical mechanisms, and ethical basis, for P3C. In particular it explored how multi-professional practice can contribute to care for a range of individuals, including those with multiple long-term conditions and frailty. It brought together key research evidence from the international literature with learning from sites across the South West.

Day 2

Focused on how to address the critical workforce issues (GP recruitment/retention and new workers and roles in primary care) that need solving, for provision of both routine and more complex care. It brought together frontline staff in key organisations responsible for supporting and commissioning primary care, to achieve positive coherent system change and revitalise general practice and community care.

In partnership

The conference was jointly hosted by the Community and Primary Care Research Group, University of Plymouth and Western Locality NHS system, with support from Health Education South West, the South West General Practice Trust, the South West Academic Health Science Network, Peninsula PenARC and goodwill from a range of stakeholders.

Community and Primary Care research group

 Our research is conducted through the involvement of practitioners, and the public, who are instrumental in helping to develop focused research questions and in designing projects.
We use a range of research methods, qualitative and quantitative, to solve pressing and often complex research problems. Our research is often directed towards those individuals who are the most excluded or disempowered, have mental health problems and have difficulty accessing services.
Research word button on keyboard with soft focus courtesy of Shutterstock, Copyright: dencg