Getty image 506200364 elderly patient with nurse
As our population is ageing, there is an urgent need to develop older people’s care to address their needs. The Community and Primary Care Research Group is conducting community research to get to the heart of the real issues facing this population, and working with older people and their carers to find solutions, best practice and to define what future care will look like. 

Our current projects


The ActivDyad study aims to understand how social and environmental contexts influence physical activity in older age. It is funded by the ART (Ageing Research Translation) of Healthy Ageing Network.
Older persons physically active

Dementia research

Our dementia research focuses on improving the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals with dementia and their carers. The D-PACT programme is a five-year project, funded by a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Programme Grant for Applied Research (PGfAR), that aims to develop and evaluate a system for dementia support based in general practice for people with dementia and their carers. Our dementia-friendly communities work focuses on community attitudes and behaviour change towards individuals with dementia and their carers, inequalities and the differences between urban and rural dementia-friendly communities.
2 hands holding
Staff in a care home - image courtesy of Shutterstock

Our completed projects

Getting up following a fall

Falls are the most common reason for ambulance call-outs resulting in non-conveyance. Even in the absence of injury, only half of those who have fallen can get themselves up off the floor. 
It is feasible to teach people techniques to help get themselves up off the floor, and our study aimed to investigate older people, carer and staff attitudes towards seeking help and using techniques to get-up following a fall. 
A focus group and qualitative interviews with 28 participants including; community-dwelling older people who had experienced a non-injurious fall; carers; physiotherapists; occupational therapists; paramedics and community first responders was carried out, and we developed a model of factors affecting an individual’s capability to get up following a fall.
Home healthcare worker helping elderly man with walker.

Social prescribing for older people in the time of COVID drawing on the cultural sector

We will be examining social prescribing for older people in the time of COVID drawing on the cultural sector in a project titled: “Optimising cultural provision to improve older people’s wellbeing through social prescribing in the context of COVID-19: Realist review and evaluation.”
Getty 1263712565. old people, elderly wearing mask. covid