- Natural Environment Research Council
- Arts and Humanities Research Council
- Economic and Social Research Council
- as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund
'Jali ardhi'
'Care for the Land' project

Disciplines involved in the present study, their interconnections and position in the soil erosion-land degradation-community resilience challenge.
This project has shone a light on the many and varied challenges associated with soil erosion. But in developing a greater understanding of the issues in East Africa, we have also proposed an environmentally and socially sustainable solution that could be adapted in similar communities across the world. The devastating effects of soil erosion on Maasai lands are quite shocking to see. In recent decades, some parts of the Tanzanian Maasai landscape have witnessed an almost total destruction of the soil resource in many areas used for grazing of livestock. But these problems are certainly not restricted to East Africa and every year 12 million hectares of productive land are lost to soil erosion globally, with a third of all soils are currently thought to be degraded. Unless we take action now, communities who rely on the land for their survival will be left facing an increasingly uncertain future.
Professor Will Blake
Professor of Catchment Science