Fiona Clouder visits the Marine Navigation Centre with Lecturer in Nautical Studies, Captain Robert Hone

Fiona Clouder visits the Marine Navigation Centre with Lecturer in Nautical Studies, Captain Robert Hone

The UK’s ambassador to Chile has visited the University of Plymouth to discuss how its world-leading research might benefit the South American country.

Fiona Clouder was given a tour of research facilities at the University, including the COAST Laboratory and Marine Navigation Centre within the Marine Building.

Hosted by the Sustainable Earth Institute, she also met a number of leading researchers in marine, earth and environmental science.

Professor of Geoscience Communication Iain Stewart, Director of the Sustainable Earth Institute, said:

“We have a number of academics already working in Chile, but it is a country where there is opportunity for further collaboration. Marine, biodiversity, mining and aquaculture are all major industries where our expertise might make a positive contribution and this visit was a great initial opportunity to discuss the means through which we might make that happen.”

Ms Clouder is the former Head of Strategy at the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and Head of Science and Innovation at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

She took up her current role in February 2014, having also worked for three years as Deputy Director Americas at the FCO from 2011.

She said:

“I was very impressed with the University of Plymouth, and interested to hear about its expertise in marine science, environmental science, disaster risk management and mining impacts. It was also fascinating to see the excellent wave tank test facilities and navigation simulator for training. Add to all that the University’s links to the South West Marine Cluster, Ocean Wave marine innovation centre and related companies, and I believe there is great potential for further collaboration with Chile in all areas.”

Fiona Clouder is shown around research laboratories in the Davy Building with (from left) Professor John Spicer, Professor Richard Thompson, Professor Iain Stewart and Dr Simon Rundle

Fiona Clouder is shown around research laboratories in the Davy Building with (from left) Professor John Spicer, Professor Richard Thompson, Professor Iain Stewart and Dr Simon Rundle

Thermal image of Plymouth taken by Matthew Fox, Environmental Building Group - Special Commendation in Visions of Sustainability 2015

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