Report reveals growing crisis for renters in Devon and Cornwall
The report, Sometimes I Sit on the Sofa and Cry, tells the stories of local people struggling to keep up with soaring rents and eviction notices

From the outside, many people may look at Devon and Cornwall and perceive them as being relatively affluent. However, there are thousands of people having to make very difficult financial choices every day as they struggle to keep a roof over their heads. By speaking to people experiencing housing challenges, the organisations supporting them and the local housing sector, this project has shone a spotlight on the pressing need for collective action to address this.
Dr Nigel Jackson
Associate Professor (Reader) in Persuasion and Communication
This report shows the urgent need for action as more and more people in our region face long waits in temporary accommodation or homelessness. We know that second homes and holiday lets are putting pressure on the private rental market just when food, fuel and energy inflation is putting unsustainable pressure on many people’s household incomes.
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