Press office news tagged
Plymouth University and Nanjing University of the Arts to launch dual award in game design
Plymouth University news: Talented game designers from China will be completing their studies at Plymouth University as part of a groundbreaking new partnership supported by the Chinese Ministry of Education
University athlete reaches Great Britain standard
Plymouth University news: physiotherapy student Sharn Hooper will be competing for Great Britain in two European Triathlon Union events.
Student awards celebrate teaching stars
Plymouth University news: Students have thanked their 'stand out' academics and peers at the annual SSTAR Awards
Dental public health expert reacts to LGA report on children’s teeth
Plymouth University news: A Local Government Association report out today states that 100 children a day are admitted to hospital for surgery to remove rotten teeth. Dental public health expert Professor Liz Kay from Plymouth University gives her view.
University hopes to inspire fans at film festival
Plymouth University news: Cinema fans will be able to see an eclectic mix of movies and gain advice from industry experts at the third annual Plymouth Film Festival
Plymouth dental expert produces ‘must-have’ dentistry text book
Plymouth University news: A Plymouth University dentistry expert has published what is set to be the next 'must-have' textbook for students across the dental professions
Satellite images reveal dramatic tropical glacier retreat
Plymouth University news: Scientists in the School of Biological and Marine Sciences have obtained high resolution satellite images that paint a stark picture of how tropical glaciers in the Pacific have retreated over the past decade.
Research aims to enhance understanding of enterprise within refugee communities
Plymouth University news: The extent to which entrepreneurship is a catalyst for empowerment and poverty alleviation among women refugees in Arab countries is to be explored in new research by Plymouth University and the University of Nottingham
Plymouth Student Law Society impresses at the UK Supreme Court
Plymouth University news: Students from the University's Law Society have had a taste of the top, after a visit to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.
£7,000 raised puts the hat on it for Brain Tumour Research
Plymouth University news: In the region of £7,000 has been raised at Plymouth University in support of Brain Tumour Research and the University's own research into brain tumours
Police and Crime Commissioner candidates to attend public debate at Plymouth University
Plymouth University news: The candidates bidding to become Devon and Cornwall’s next Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) will be outlining their reasons for seeking the role during a debate at Plymouth University
University set to evaluate £15 million programme tackling social isolation and loneliness among older people
University of Plymouth news: The University's research observatory SERIO is to conduct an evaluation of the new government-funded Ageing Well Torbay Programme - part of a national network of similar initiatives.