News tagged with: marine-litter
Community beach clean-ups could beat high-tech solutions for clearing plastic pollution
University of Plymouth news: Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS, Head of our International Marine Litter Research Unit, is the lead author on a new report by the Royal Society looking at ways to remove plastic from the environment
International experts issue renewed call for Global Plastics Treaty to be grounded in robust science
University of Plymouth news: A University researcher and graduate are among the signatories of a letter published in Science ahead of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) begins in Canada
Seychelles beach cleans demonstrate potential for citizen science to tackle marine litter
University of Plymouth news: Students and academics from the University have collaborated on new research monitoring the effectiveness of beach cleans in the Seychelles
Retention ponds can deliver a substantial reduction in tyre particle pollution
University of Plymouth news: A new study has shown that retention ponds and wetlands constructed as part of major road schemes can reduce the quantities of tyre particles entering the aquatic environment by an average of 75%
Scientists call on United States to take a positive stance to end plastic pollution
University of Plymouth news: Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS is one of three signatories on a letter to United States President Joe Biden calling for independent scientific evidence to inform his country’s position on the global plastics treaty.
Microparticles from road tyres are “high concern” pollutants, research shows
University of Plymouth news: A new study involving the University suggests plastic microparticles released into the environment from common road tyres should be treated as a “high concern” pollutant
University scientists join world leaders at global plastic pollution negotiations
University of Plymouth news: Members of our International Marine Litter Research Unit are in Nairobi for the third meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC) as talks continue over the Global Plastics Treaty
Scientists caution against a reliance on mechanical devices to clear water bodies of plastic
University of Plymouth news: New research involving the University's International Marine Litter Research Unit highlights that the most cost-effective and efficient way to prevent further pollution is to reduce plastic production and consumption
Student’s design to combat fishing nets stranded on our beaches
University of Plymouth news: MA Design student Chris Fronebner has created a 3D-printed beach cleaning tool, using filament from discarded nets.
Pioneering microplastics researcher receives the 2023 Blue Planet Prize
University of Plymouth news: Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS, who led the first ever study highlighting the presence of microplastics in the ocean, has been presented with the 2023 Blue Planet Prize during a ceremony in Japan
Scientists continue work to establish the fate and impact of tyre wear particles in the environment
University of Plymouth news: The University has been studying the presence of tyre particles in the marine environment longer than any other organisation in the UK
Rivers contain hidden sinks and sources of microplastics
University of Plymouth news: A study led by the University has found that significant quantities of microplastic particles are being trapped in riverbed sediments or carried through the air along major river systems