Project Description
Similar to reefs formed by colony-building hard corals, maerl (coralline algae) needs sunlight to photosynthesise and can aggregate to form dense biogenic habitats, known as maerl beds (Figure 1), providing a 3-dimensional habitat on the seafloor. These beds are important nursery areas for fish and shellfish of commercial importance, e.g. cod, scallops; they have also been shown to sequester carbon at similar rates to salt marshes and seagrass beds. However, while listed as priority habitats under UK and European legislation, little is known about the reproduction and biology of these coralline algae. This knowledge is key to understanding the resilience of maerl-forming species to environmental and climate change, and for directing conservation actions to drive recovery and restoration of degraded maerl beds. This PhD will explore the environmental, biological and genetic factors that may be acting to drive degradation. Subsequently, we will look to propose management actions to remedy this situation, to halt decline and promote restoration.
Aims and Objectives
This project addresses key knowledge gaps in maerl biology and ecology: in reproduction, biology, resilience, connectivity and diversity of maerl-forming species using a multidisciplinary approach, including aquarium experiments, ocean current modelling, microscopy and genomics.
Aquarium experiments will explore how light restriction (sedimentation), salinity (freshwater discharge) and temperature (ocean warming) affect maerl. Microscopy will identify reproductive structures, enabling follow-up studies of when and under what conditions maerl-forming algae reproduce sexually/asexually. The project will utilise recently developed genomic and eDNA resources for two maerl-forming species (Phymatolithon calcareum and Lithothamnion corallioides); this will allow investigation of the adaptability of maerl and assessment of organismal diversity within maerl beds using eDNA. In conjunction with our stakeholder partners, results will feed directly into the conservation, management and restoration of maerl beds. The student will have the opportunity to feed into the planning and execution of laboratory trials, and field assessments of diversity, including sample collection and eDNA surveys.
Training will be given in ocean current modelling, genomics and eDNA analysis, field-based marine diversity sampling and assessment, and in the use of aquarium facilities at the Exeter Aquatic Resource Centre (ARC), allowing investigation of maerl growth patterns under differing environmental stressors. A visit to a partner laboratory in Spain will allow the student to learn the techniques required for accurate identification of algal reproductive structures.
The student will be based at Exeter (Streatham campus), with access to a fully equipped, modern molecular research laboratory and the Exeter Sequencing Service. The Exeter team hold a large selection of maerl samples from different sites around England and Wales, which the student will be supported to supplement early in the project, providing opportunities for field work, and aquarium studies. The student will work with supervisors and stakeholder partners (Natural England and NRW) to feed project findings into national policies.
Supervisory Team
The project will be supervised by a transdisciplinary team Mike Allen (University of Exeter), Peter Robins (Bangor University) and Dr Magnus Axelsson (Natural England), with support from Profs Jamie Stevens (University of Exeter) and Jason Hall-Spencer (University of Plymouth). In addition, Dr Viviana Peña Freire (University of A Coruña, Spain) and Dr Frances Ratcliffe (Natural Resources Wales) will provide supervisory support.